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Rachel Caldecott

Full Member
Nov 13, 2017
Lodeve, France
Most of you must know that Lee Child is handing over the baton of the Jack Reacher books to his little brother, Andrew.

In the latest one, which my friend is proofing, Andrew wrote a stunning piece of dialogue.

The character, Reacher, asked another character what a QR code was. The other character replied, "It is a two-dimensional bar code."

Think about it.o_O Is there any other kind?
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:oops: I have a PhD, and I still haven't got it hehehehe, except maybe a reference to @AgentPete Pete drinking zombies at the Tiki Bar?

btw, all the men in my life love Jack Reacher and never got over Tom Cruise casting himself in the role.
Tom was a huge (or rather tiny) disappointment ( I got angry every time I saw TC on screen as Reacher). Anyway, I got the quote wrong (silly me) have changed it now. But maybe the proofreader and I are the only people that find that sort of thing funny. Also because we know that Andrew does not like having his mistakes pointed out to him.
If Lee Child is getting royalties from the Jack Reacher films, he's probably very forgiving of the fact Tom Cruise looks nothing like his protagonist. (Unless Lee Child earns so much from book sales he can afford to be precious about his creation).
If Lee Child is getting royalties from the Jack Reacher films, he's probably very forgiving of the fact Tom Cruise looks nothing like his protagonist. (Unless Lee Child earns so much from book sales he can afford to be precious about his creation).
He's worth about 50 million dollars; and hasn't he been knighted or something? Not bad considering it is basically one book retold over and over again. (Jealous, moi?). I heard that Darley Anderson (his agent) liked him because he admitted he was doing it for the money rather than art. Do you think if I said I was writing for the money I'd get representation? Maybe that's where we are all going wrong.
I think it's reasonable to say traditional bar codes are one dimensional (there is no additional information in the y-axis). QR codes have information in both x and y axis.
hadn't thought of it that way. I was just thinking of them both being flat on paper, not rising out of the page like some sort of weird pop-up. Now I feel foolish :D I'll tell my friend doing the proofing. It'll either make her feel foolish too, or stop her from slashing Andrew's page 56 :D
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