Good evening from Edinburgh.

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Isla A

Sep 8, 2019
United Kingdom
Hello all. Newbie here. I've been writing all my life but until recently considered it a hobby (though I worked as a journalist and sub editor for more than 20 years!). I've just self-published my cancer memoir, Making Pearls From Grit, which is about my breast cancer journey, and also about the journeys women take through life, and the obstacles they overcome, which make us hard-arse superheroes!

I've also published a couple of short stories and am now editing my novel, which doesn't have a title yet, but is a sort of historical romance. I've spent so long squirreling myself away in my study, treating this as a lonesome endeavour, but have finally decided to join the writers' community to seek advice, tips, support and understanding!
Hi Isla, we joined Litopia on the same day. I have actually visited Edinburgh Zoo - do they still have Pandas? I actually have family in Scotland.
Hope to talk again soon.
Hi Isla, we joined Litopia on the same day. I have actually visited Edinburgh Zoo - do they still have Pandas? I actually have family in Scotland.
Hope to talk again soon.
Hi Sam (do I call you Sam or Samelia? Or Amelia?!), sorry for my slow response. There are too many social media platforms to keep up with! Yes, I think there are still pandas in Edinburgh Zoo, though I've never seen them -- I rarely go to the zoo, and when I have been, you need to pay extra and book tickets to queue to see the pandas so we don't bother. I saw pandas when I was on holiday in the Far East a couple of years ago, so I feel I've done that! As a new member of Litopia... – are you finding it helpful?
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