Fanfare! 'Glass Half Empty' accepted.....

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Marc Joan

Aug 26, 2014
Some of you might remember that when the Flash Fiction competition restarted with the prompt 'Glass Half Empty', I was reluctant to post my entry, as I thought it might be publishable and I didn't want to lose the opportunity for publishing in one of the mags that doesn't take previously published work. Well, 'Glass Half Empty' just got accepted by Literary Orphans, which I'm very happy about. That's the second time the Litopia Flash competition has provided me with a quality magazine acceptance, so thank you very much for the inspiration!

Also, this is a bit of a milestone, since I am now in double figures - it's my tenth story to be accepted since I started this weird writing lark. I promised myself I'd make a writer's website if I ever got to 10, so I suppose I'd better get on with it...
Some of you might remember that when the Flash Fiction competition restarted with the prompt 'Glass Half Empty', I was reluctant to post my to 10, so I suppose I'd better get on with it...
Very well done. Congratulations. :)
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