I wonder if anyone can help me before I go crazy.
The default voice I have in Word (Office 365) is a robot that may be related to Marvin in Hitchhiker's Guide. His delivery of my stunning prose has all the soul and warmth of a rather miffed and diffident DALEK that's just had its plunger snapped off. Flat and lifeless, lending my work all the pizzazz and sparkle of a boiled egg.
I have endured this since getting my new laptop and last night tried (at least the 3rd or 4th time) for over an hour to purge this pesky pest from my system - but to no avail.
Here's my problem. I can see, audition and even select much more natural voices (6 or so of both sexes UK & US from a drop-down menu) but the flaming things can't be saved (i.e. made my Word's read aloud default voice). I have looked at no end of YouTube videos purporting to show me 'how to'.
Every time I think I have cracked it and reopen a document there's Marvin's second cousin three times removed on his mother's side killing it stone dead.
And infuriatingly when I "play" pieces by one or two fellow Litopians some play in a very acceptable US David who sounds like he actually understands what he's reading. Mind you some also have my fella (UK George I think he's called - blast him!) slaughtering their stuff too.
As an experiment I cut and pasted one of my own docs into a doc that has US David in residence. And Bingo! He does his thing for my words, instantaneously transferring them in surefire Pulitzer winners. But only within the document I have cut and pasted my piece to. When I go back to my document only? Nope, there's Georgie again.
What am I doing wrong?
To paraphrase King Henry II: "Will nothing rid me of this turbulent... useless robotic git?"

The default voice I have in Word (Office 365) is a robot that may be related to Marvin in Hitchhiker's Guide. His delivery of my stunning prose has all the soul and warmth of a rather miffed and diffident DALEK that's just had its plunger snapped off. Flat and lifeless, lending my work all the pizzazz and sparkle of a boiled egg.
I have endured this since getting my new laptop and last night tried (at least the 3rd or 4th time) for over an hour to purge this pesky pest from my system - but to no avail.
Here's my problem. I can see, audition and even select much more natural voices (6 or so of both sexes UK & US from a drop-down menu) but the flaming things can't be saved (i.e. made my Word's read aloud default voice). I have looked at no end of YouTube videos purporting to show me 'how to'.
Every time I think I have cracked it and reopen a document there's Marvin's second cousin three times removed on his mother's side killing it stone dead.

And infuriatingly when I "play" pieces by one or two fellow Litopians some play in a very acceptable US David who sounds like he actually understands what he's reading. Mind you some also have my fella (UK George I think he's called - blast him!) slaughtering their stuff too.
As an experiment I cut and pasted one of my own docs into a doc that has US David in residence. And Bingo! He does his thing for my words, instantaneously transferring them in surefire Pulitzer winners. But only within the document I have cut and pasted my piece to. When I go back to my document only? Nope, there's Georgie again.
What am I doing wrong?
To paraphrase King Henry II: "Will nothing rid me of this turbulent... useless robotic git?"

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