Galley Beggar Press - Short Story Competition

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Paul Whybrow

Full Member
Jun 20, 2015
Cornwall, UK
Galley Beggar Press is a small publishing company in Norwich, Norfolk. Their declared aim is to be an old fashioned publisher for the 21st Century.

They also say:

"Galley Beggar Press is a company specifically set-up to act as a sponsor to writers who have struggled to either find or retain a publisher, and (most importantly) whose writing shows great ambition and literary merit. Our primary questions are not who someone is, or whether something is going to make it into the supermarkets. Rather, it’s whether this is an author we want, a novel we love. If the answer is yes on both counts – then, no matter how challenging a read the book is (or how obscure the author), we will set about bringing it to the widest possible public."

They're running a short story competition, with a closing date of 15th November 2015. The prize is £500 or a year-long editorial support from the directors of Galley Beggar Press.

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