Yeah, to have family around is gold for the children, and for the parents if only for the practical help (all other support being a bonus@Rich. North of Madrid... nice! How long are you living there? We considered/fantasized about buying an abandoned village (!) in Portugal for a while. The buildings were stone and ancient and the weather would have been, well, considerably better than here!! But we moved closer to my family instead and, in truth it has been an excellent move, especially for the children. But I often think about "my" Portuguese village (which had become fully restored and was now a thriving artists haven, boasting an organic, fully self-sufficient farm) (In my head) (I should stop reading John Seymour and Peter Mayle etc)

I should bring this back to food, shouldn't I? For lunch tomorrow I will be having cocido madrileño in a local home-cooking-type restaurant. It would be challenging to be vegetarian in this part of the world, but at least we know exactly where the meat has come from – you can see most of it from any decent hill around here.