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Jul 26, 2018
Anyone doing anything nice for lunch? (dinner/brekkie/brunch?) Any more photos of delectable cakes @Marc Joan ? (It's a squally day here, needs an injection of deliciousness)
Oh that sounds quite *DEE-licious* :) You have just reminded me of a planter of salad leaves I must "thin out" and add to mine!
I do love nut roast... now I may have to make one for dinner... (as I check my rather bare cupboards here for the necessary ingredients)
Even your plates are the appropriate colour to dispel the grey @Rich. ! (Although it's probably lovely and dry and sunny where you are...)
I stir-fried all the veggies I could find (very random selection:oops:) and turned them into an omelette which was very lacking in the egg department since our vast Chicken Retirement Home only produces an egg when the wind blows a certain way and the stars are in a particular alignment.... tasty though :)
Mixed salad with a nut roast for lunch. Very colourful. Il Matrimonio groaned at the notion of a dingy nut roast, but has decided that ackshleee it was r-a-t-h-e-r delicioso, and I am duly allowed out of the dog-house, and indeed, am being made a coffee even as I type.

I looked up nut roast and unlike spotted dick... it's exactly what it sounds like.

Today I'm making ceviche and chicken tortilla soup. I have too many limes and don't care for key lime pie.
I looked up nut roast and unlike spotted dick... it's exactly what it sounds like.
There's a certain theme to the food today :D

Yes, a deeply disturbing name, Amber. The first time I remember "knowing" of it (I was about 14), we were in my aunts house and as we were leaving she pointed to this large oblong parcel on the worktop and said: "I've a Spotted Dick for you". I have no recollection of actually leaving the house that day I was so hysterical, and I think I laughed for about a week after... and am still laughing. My boys are just resigned to me snorting in the corner when I make it. But it's really delicious (I'm scoffing a slice with the most sublime Bengal Spice tea)
Oh wow @Rich. , that's a beautiful painting right there! I love the shape of those buildings... is it an old village/town?
Anyone doing anything nice for lunch? (dinner/brekkie/brunch?) Any more photos of delectable cakes @Marc Joan ? (It's a squally day here, needs an injection of deliciousness)
Well, goodness, I am quite touched as I don't often get foody requests, particularly since I cooked my famous 'Chicken Outrage' for the kids, but here is an old pic of a gin and tonic cheesecake I made for my other and far better half:
feb20173 002.JPG
Oh wow @Rich. , that's a beautiful painting right there! I love the shape of those buildings... is it an old village/town?
It's a village in the mountains north of Madrid, and as far as I know there's been some kind of settlement here since the bronze age, but what you see in the pic is probably not much more than a century old. The village had been slowly dying until the government decided to invest a bit, and then young families started moving out of the city looking for the good life. Fifteen years ago there were fewer than 200 people here. Now there are 700, and me and mine are among the good-life lot.
Had this the other day though. Shared it with a friend but felt a tad full after. (appologies of the pic size, no idea how to make pic smaller on here)

@Susan , not quite... more like a sweet, fruity soda bread. I use a recipe similar to this: Spotted Dick-Spotted Dog Recipe by Darina Allen, Holiday Recipes, Part 5 (I find it rather difficult to follow a recipe without changing it...)

@Marc Joan , that looks delicious, any recipe??

@Kirsten , sounds appetizingly soupy!! I do like that you move around Europe, taste-wise :)

@Rich. North of Madrid... nice! How long are you living there? We considered/fantasized about buying an abandoned village (!) in Portugal for a while. The buildings were stone and ancient and the weather would have been, well, considerably better than here!! But we moved closer to my family instead and, in truth it has been an excellent move, especially for the children. But I often think about "my" Portuguese village (which had become fully restored and was now a thriving artists haven, boasting an organic, fully self-sufficient farm) (In my head) (I should stop reading John Seymour and Peter Mayle etc)
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