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Paul Whybrow

Full Member
Jun 20, 2015
Cornwall, UK
While reading an author's blog recently, he mentioned using a site called Fiverr to find an artist to design a book cover for his first novel, for the suspiciously low fee of $50. :confused:

Fiverr is an online marketplace where experts of all kinds offer their services. According to Wikipedia, they have a slightly dodgy reputation, but if you're looking for someone with editing or artistic skills, they're worth a look:

Fiverr - Freelance Services Marketplace for The Lean Entrepreneur

Fiverr - Wikipedia

I recommend it. There are some idiots on there, but if you stick to the good reviewed people and make clear your needs it is an absolute boon. There are protections too, so that if you aren't happy you can cancel the whole thing for a full refund.

My current profile picture is something I got done for the very reasonable £8.12 or something like that.
I haven't used it myself, but my brother-in-law paid someone on there to storyboard a film for him and he was delighted with the result.

Like anything, there will be those who take advantage, but I think there are plenty of decent people on Fiverr, from what I can see.

I'm keeping the site in mind if I decide to go down the self-publishing route. My novels need a lot of illustrations and there are some very promising portfolios from illustrators on Fiverr.
I've used both Fiverr and People Per Hour. And preferred the latter. I just had a better experience especially as the likelihood of hiring someone from the UK was more likely hence for me the quality was better. But I'm sure you can get a mixed experience from both. Like someone said use the one with the highest rating.

BTW: I used them for illustrations and websites. Temporary quick stuff that didn't require heavy investment. Anything of value that would be published (like my card game) I'd go to direct and recommended freelancers within the industry I was publishing in (tabletop).
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