Help Please! Feedback requested on website page layout

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Brian Clegg

Aug 7, 2014
Swindon, UK
Any Litopian help requested! I'm playing around with changing the format of the book pages on my author website.

Do you prefer the current look, like this page, where all the information is stacked and you scroll through it?

Or do you prefer this look, where the information is tabbed so you click on different items to look at them?

I can see the pros and cons of both - the first is less effort because you don't have to click to get to anything, but the second looks neater....
Personally I prefer the first, the second has a lot of white space.
Absolutely the second. The first has become dated, but the second is in keeping with modern web design. And it's a tighter design overall.
The second looks better on my mobile, and that's when the majority of people browse from right now as far as I know. (I'm sure there was a post about it here... @Paul Whybrow started that thread I think)
The first us better to me. The second looks like you;re not finished with it yet.
Just checked on my laptop @Brian Clegg 2nd one still looks better to me, so that's both the phone and laptop I prefer it on :)
The first is a pretty lengthy page. These days, people have very short attention spans so you can only provide short snippets at a time. Plus, (I work in IT so I see this a lot) you'll lose your audience the further down you have them scroll. I'd say the second page is much better: cleaner, crisper. (I only looked at this from my phone.)
Thanks to everyone for the feedback. I've settled on a modified version of the second format, changed so (for instance) you don't have to click to a new tab to see the buy buttons. Thanks also Karen for the important reminder about mobile version - I think this format works much better in mobile than the original. I'll be rolling out the format across the book pages...
I'd go for the second, too. The radio programme took me longer to load for some reason, but it's cleaner, aesthetically, plus, I felt the blurb had more 'grab'.
I've tweeted out the radio programme.
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