Paul Whybrow
Full Member
For the last two weeks, I've been lost in the intricacies of editing the first novel I wrote. Using the Word Search function to track down multiple uses of 'this', 'thought' and 'realised' feels less like writing and more like looking for a needle in a haystack.
I've edited The Perfect Murder countless times before and it's all been at this nit-picking level. It's hard to appreciate how I've improved the manuscript, but I know this tedious work needs to be done. I went to bed last night feeling rather disenchanted. I relax by reading before turning the light out and have three crime novels on the go at the moment. One of them, The Guilty is written by a serving Canadian police officer. He knows his stuff when it comes to procedure, but someone should buy him a thesaurus as he repeatedly uses the same verbs, adjectives and adverbs. I groaned when I saw he'd written the word 'little' four times in two pages. Did anyone at Simon & Schuster edit this? I gave up on reading it.
I'll return to editing my manuscript, reassured that my book will be a damned sight better prepared than a well-reviewed published novel!
It's easy to become disheartened as a writer, and I've previously posted about the doubt that afflicts us and the resilience we need to get through.
After I've completed editing, I'm back on the querying and self-promotion trail, which I'm not looking forward to...but, there's no choice.
I've decided to adopt a fresh attitude to my endeavours, inspired by the tongue-in-cheek lyrics of an old Don McLean song, which was the earworm I woke up with this morning. Instead of nervously seeking validation for my writing and trying to be an interesting chap through blogging and social media posting, I'll be viewing myself as totally irresistible!
I don't know if this will work, but why worry, when I can be happy?
What do you think?
We all need a Lucy in our lives:
I've edited The Perfect Murder countless times before and it's all been at this nit-picking level. It's hard to appreciate how I've improved the manuscript, but I know this tedious work needs to be done. I went to bed last night feeling rather disenchanted. I relax by reading before turning the light out and have three crime novels on the go at the moment. One of them, The Guilty is written by a serving Canadian police officer. He knows his stuff when it comes to procedure, but someone should buy him a thesaurus as he repeatedly uses the same verbs, adjectives and adverbs. I groaned when I saw he'd written the word 'little' four times in two pages. Did anyone at Simon & Schuster edit this? I gave up on reading it.
I'll return to editing my manuscript, reassured that my book will be a damned sight better prepared than a well-reviewed published novel!
It's easy to become disheartened as a writer, and I've previously posted about the doubt that afflicts us and the resilience we need to get through.
After I've completed editing, I'm back on the querying and self-promotion trail, which I'm not looking forward to...but, there's no choice.
I've decided to adopt a fresh attitude to my endeavours, inspired by the tongue-in-cheek lyrics of an old Don McLean song, which was the earworm I woke up with this morning. Instead of nervously seeking validation for my writing and trying to be an interesting chap through blogging and social media posting, I'll be viewing myself as totally irresistible!
I don't know if this will work, but why worry, when I can be happy?

What do you think?
We all need a Lucy in our lives: