Carol Rose
I posted this in the thread where @AgentPete uploaded the video from today's Pop-Up submissions, but wanted to make sure everyone saw it. 
I want to thank Agent Pete for the feedback on my submission. I am over the moon happy!
This story is very special to me, and before the feedback and guidance on how to proceed, I didn't have the courage to polish it up and submit it.
For those who don't know, this story is quite different from what I currently write and am published in. It came to me in its entirety on the drive home one day from work, and it won't let me go. It's scary to write something different and know it won't be right for the publisher where you're comfortable, and where nearly everything you send them is accepted without revision. But at the same time, if I never take a chance on branching out, I'll never know I can do it. I'll never have a home for all the other stories inside me.
In case anyone is on the fence about submitting something for the Pop-Up Submissions, PLEASE don't be afraid. Agent Pete is kind and straightforward. He knows what he's talking about, and will give you feedback and guidance you can really use to improve your craft. No place else I know of will do this for writers. This community is very unique. We have a valuable resource here. Take advantage of it.
You can't do this without meaningful, useful feedback on your work from someone who really knows what they are talking about. Don't pass up this chance.

I want to thank Agent Pete for the feedback on my submission. I am over the moon happy!

For those who don't know, this story is quite different from what I currently write and am published in. It came to me in its entirety on the drive home one day from work, and it won't let me go. It's scary to write something different and know it won't be right for the publisher where you're comfortable, and where nearly everything you send them is accepted without revision. But at the same time, if I never take a chance on branching out, I'll never know I can do it. I'll never have a home for all the other stories inside me.
In case anyone is on the fence about submitting something for the Pop-Up Submissions, PLEASE don't be afraid. Agent Pete is kind and straightforward. He knows what he's talking about, and will give you feedback and guidance you can really use to improve your craft. No place else I know of will do this for writers. This community is very unique. We have a valuable resource here. Take advantage of it.

You can't do this without meaningful, useful feedback on your work from someone who really knows what they are talking about. Don't pass up this chance.