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Capo Famiglia
Full Member
May 19, 2014
London UK
Just want to say that things have been madly intense for me this August... sorry that the Houses have been delayed so much.

My youngest flies to Beijing on Sunday for 12 months, won’t see him for the year unless we go over to visit. This is quite a life milestone, especially since both sons were home-educated. And don’t even mention The Wolfpack to me...

So on empty-nest Monday, you’ll be seeing a lot more of me :)
Just want to say that things have been madly intense for me this August... sorry that the Houses have been delayed so much.

My youngest flies to Beijing on Sunday for 12 months, won’t see him for the year unless we go over to visit. This is quite a life milestone, especially since both sons were home-educated. And don’t even mention The Wolfpack to me...

So on empty-nest Monday, you’ll be seeing a lot more of me :)
Good to see you again @AgentPete! And equally glad you had the chance to spend that time with your youngest. At least nowadays there's smartphones and social media for bridging the distance, though having gone near on three years without going back home to visit, I know that only does so much.
Our little boy did a year in the USA a while back. It was a huge wrench for us, which came in handy on the massive clockwork engine.
It seems like the blink of an eye now. And he had a really great time.
Hope it's the start of something exciting for him. (And you, maybe)
Our little boy did a year in the USA a while back. It was a huge wrench for us, which came in handy on the massive clockwork engine.
It seems like the blink of an eye now. And he had a really great time.
Hope it's the start of something exciting for him. (And you, maybe)
Didn't he stay in Chicago, David? I love that town...
He was in Michigan Uni. Got caught with alcohol in the first week and arrested for it.
I'm so proud.
He was in Michigan Uni. Got caught with alcohol in the first week and arrested for it.
I'm so proud.
Oh yeah... Ann Arbor, that's right. Still about three hours from where I grew up — just in the other direction.

There but for a friend's private art studio go I. He's a good egg.

@AgentPete! Remind your youngest not to get arrested in China — like just to get a reaction out of him.
21?? Crazy, guns are OK drinking isn't? 18 in NZ, Oz, not sure about UK. When can you vote?
18 but you're lucky if Kids are T total till they are 16. Kids will always go do what they have been told not to. Though I remember more kids messing around in the park with magic mushrooms than I remember kids drinking.
I hope he gets on okay. Does he speak Chinese? I always thought it sounded like a hard language.
I worked in India for a year, I couldn't speak much Hindi, but picked up on quite a bit as I was there.
I hope he settles in quickly, plus you should visit, my parents vacationed there recently, they loved it and they said the people they met all seemed really friendly.
You'll have to keep us updated, if that's not too personal.
Adventure time.

There's a great shift happening in China mainly economically, there is greater value for foreigners entering China than it is for Chinese tourists. Oops have I gone into the financial reporting section of the news...let me change that channel.

I travel a lot myself, my own children will hopefully benefit from learning new languages and different cultures. As I'm sure your son will too.
Our little boy did a year in the USA a while back. It was a huge wrench for us, which came in handy on the massive clockwork engine.
It seems like the blink of an eye now. And he had a really great time.
Hope it's the start of something exciting for him. (And you, maybe)
DID a year in the States? Sounds like serving a sentence. ;)
A great adventure--for your son and for you! I'm impatiently awaiting the day I can kick my two out of the nest. I love them dearly, but I raised them to grow up and move away! ;) (says the woman who lives approximately 15,000km from my hometown...)
A great adventure--for your son and for you! I'm impatiently awaiting the day I can kick my two out of the nest. I love them dearly, but I raised them to grow up and move away! ;) (says the woman who lives approximately 15,000km from my hometown...)
My mom said the same thing for years. Then I moved out (about 45 min away) and now she invites me over every weekend :)
Apparently my mother-in-law told my husband that he was welcome to move back to his hometown after university--she would be happy to move somewhere else! This is one of the many reasons I love my MIL! My own mother has not spoken to me once in the 27 years since I left home without trying to make me feel guilty for not moving back home. (Which is, of course, why I live on the other side of the planet from her ;) )
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