E G Logan
Full Member

My problem understanding the story below, edited from The Bookseller yesterday, is: why should publishers be signing up to use this service? And pay for it. Do they not have staff members with these skills?
Have I missed something?? @AgentPete – any ideas?
These include a Sunday Times bestselling crime author (why does he/she need this?) and a debut romance self-publisher. Eight further UK and US action, adventure, thriller, science fiction and fantasy authors are also working with Domney "in their quest to publish"...
Have I missed something?? @AgentPete – any ideas?
Domney launches pre-publication business with Head of Zeus and Joffe Books on board (headline unedited)
Holly Domney has launched a new pre-publication business, Domney Books. It "prepares authors for publication as well as their manuscripts", she says. Besides the publisher clients (above) signed so far, DB "is supporting 10 authors directly at launch".These include a Sunday Times bestselling crime author (why does he/she need this?) and a debut romance self-publisher. Eight further UK and US action, adventure, thriller, science fiction and fantasy authors are also working with Domney "in their quest to publish"...