News Call for heavenly scripts!

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Nov 28, 2018
Hi all, one of my old drama groups have put a call out for some original scripts, so I thought I'd share!

Suitcase Theatre are looking for two original one-act stage plays on the theme of heaven. The plays should be approx. 20 - 25 mins each. You only need to submit one play, but can submit more than one if you have a few on hand...

They will be performed on 2nd & 3rd March 2023 at Theatr Clwyd in North Wales as part of a trio of one act plays, 'Heaven & Hell'.

The two heaven plays will be performed alongside Sartre's Huis Clos, a play depicting three people doomed to spend eternity in each other's company.

If you're interested in making a submission, please email Mike Stevens on

Closing date for submissions is 11th December 2022.
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