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That's a *beautiful* cake your daughter made, @Marc Joan , I can almost smell it's deliciousness from here :)

I made a very boring (but very fruity-tasty) tea brack today for the season that is in it! Doesn't have the alluring good looks of a marbled or ghostly affair though...
Looks good to me!
It may be the Plain Jane of cakes and not the prettiest, but tastes delicious for sure (and is probably the easiest cake ever to make: win/win!!)
Your cake art surpasses my own, and maybe it is a sublimated and subverted competitive instinct, but photos of cake make me want to scream in terror.
They remind me of the many sugar-headache inducing monstrosities I've made over the years. Too many birthdays..cupcakes for the school, and dragon cakes and doll cakes for the parties.. and when there is cake in the house, you always end up having it for lunch, even though it tastes like poison. Summary: too much cake leads to a bad attitude about cake.
I always find Barbie dolls a bit chewy, but each to his own.
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