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Paul Whybrow

Full Member
Jun 20, 2015
Cornwall, UK
I mentioned Bookstagram in a thread earlier this year, and this article from The Independent is worth a read:

How #bookstagram has changed the way fiction is read

Further information and good advice here:

What I Learned In 6 Months On Bookstagram

Hah, funnily enough, I started a Bookstagram some months ago...without even know it was a thing. The reason I started it was because I didn't have much Instagram experience and I needed it to inform my current WIP, which is set, to a large extent, in the world of social media and photo-sharing accounts. So it was purely for my own research. I didn't want to have an Instagram account featuring photos from my own life, so I hit on the idea of simply sharing a picture of the book I'd just finished with a very short review as the caption.

I really like my account...not because it's especially beautiful visually, but because I like having the record of my reading to look back on from a personal point of view. It helps me to remember what I thought of various books and I point people to it who ask me for recommendations.

I'm really not bothered whether many others follow it or not and I certainly wouldn't devote a massive amount of time to it (too busy with other things), but it's a satisfying social media habit.

My account is called treasuresfromtreasureland if anyone here would like to check it out. :)
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