Christopher Logue is no longer with us, with his monumental modern rendering of The Iliad, War Music.
But Epic poetry is not dead. Bob Beagrie, senior lecturer in Creative Writing at Teesside University is an unassuming writer and poet is not widely known outside of the North East at this time, but his writing is of epic stature, and still evolving.
The Seer Sung Husband published by Smokestack Books is a story set in time concurrent with, or just a very little way ahead in time of Hilary Mantel's Wolf Hall.
I'm not a big reader of poetry in general. This poetic narrative had me gripped from the off.
It tells in accessible and beautiful, sometimes appallingly grim verse,the story of Tobias Shipton, carpenter, husband of the famous seeress of Knaresborough, (N Yorkshire) Ursula Sontheil, or as she later became known, Mother Shipton.
Ursula Sontheil is an actual historical figure though not much is verified about her. She was not a witch, but had a gift for prophecy, a thing often confused with witchcraft. She practiced 'scrying' , as did Nostradamus. This technique of divination involves looking into a bowl of water, and, probably rather like meditation, though with a different purpose, helps the conscious focus to slip in order to liberate unconscious images, thoughts and sensings,
At the time of Tobias Shipton's story, Henry v111 is on the throne, the times are unsettled, even dangerous, for the common people. England is facing schism with the Pope. Loyalties are in question. Prophecy is unwelcome. Thomas, Cardinal Wolsey, at that time still, but only just Henry's right hand man, has threatened to deal with Ursula once he gets to York. He sends three courtiers ahead of his progress north to warn her, politely, about her soothing. Ursula says that he Wolsey will not burn her; said he will never reach York. And he did not.
Wolsey was recalled in disgrace by the king on his progress north, owing to the difficulties in securing the king a divorce from katherine of Aragon, in order that the king might marry Anne Boleyn and hopefully, beget a legitimate male heir.
What was it like to be the husband of such a woman? It's the story of remarkable times, and a remarkable love story. The supposed site of Ursula's birth is an amazing limestone cave by the river Nidd' in Knaresborough, with a pterifying well. A lovely spot. See it here:
But Epic poetry is not dead. Bob Beagrie, senior lecturer in Creative Writing at Teesside University is an unassuming writer and poet is not widely known outside of the North East at this time, but his writing is of epic stature, and still evolving.

The Seer Sung Husband published by Smokestack Books is a story set in time concurrent with, or just a very little way ahead in time of Hilary Mantel's Wolf Hall.

I'm not a big reader of poetry in general. This poetic narrative had me gripped from the off.
It tells in accessible and beautiful, sometimes appallingly grim verse,the story of Tobias Shipton, carpenter, husband of the famous seeress of Knaresborough, (N Yorkshire) Ursula Sontheil, or as she later became known, Mother Shipton.
Ursula Sontheil is an actual historical figure though not much is verified about her. She was not a witch, but had a gift for prophecy, a thing often confused with witchcraft. She practiced 'scrying' , as did Nostradamus. This technique of divination involves looking into a bowl of water, and, probably rather like meditation, though with a different purpose, helps the conscious focus to slip in order to liberate unconscious images, thoughts and sensings,
At the time of Tobias Shipton's story, Henry v111 is on the throne, the times are unsettled, even dangerous, for the common people. England is facing schism with the Pope. Loyalties are in question. Prophecy is unwelcome. Thomas, Cardinal Wolsey, at that time still, but only just Henry's right hand man, has threatened to deal with Ursula once he gets to York. He sends three courtiers ahead of his progress north to warn her, politely, about her soothing. Ursula says that he Wolsey will not burn her; said he will never reach York. And he did not.
Wolsey was recalled in disgrace by the king on his progress north, owing to the difficulties in securing the king a divorce from katherine of Aragon, in order that the king might marry Anne Boleyn and hopefully, beget a legitimate male heir.
What was it like to be the husband of such a woman? It's the story of remarkable times, and a remarkable love story. The supposed site of Ursula's birth is an amazing limestone cave by the river Nidd' in Knaresborough, with a pterifying well. A lovely spot. See it here: