As much as....

Paul Whybrow

Full Member
Jun 20, 2015
Cornwall, UK
As much as I like it when a book I’m writing speeds along, the downside can be that an author becomes too eager to finish and rushes the end. The end is even more important than the first page, and rushing can damage it.

David Morrell


As much as I like it when a book I’m writing speeds along, the downside can be that an author becomes too eager to finish and rushes the end. The end is even more important than the first page, and rushing can damage it.

David Morrell

An agent, John Havergal, said to me once that when we are writing a really gripping bit of story; say, a gruesome death, or else a lovely, happy moment, the writer absolutely must not rush it. The reader wants these moments delivered slowly. They want details or they'll feel cheated of the experience of immersion.
An agent, John Havergal, said to me once that when we are writing a really gripping bit of story; say, a gruesome death, or else a lovely, happy moment, the writer absolutely must not rush it. The reader wants these moments delivered slowly. They want details or they'll feel cheated of the experience of immersion.
ARGGGHHH. I gotta rewrite my ending g f'sure now.