As God Is My Witness, I Thought Turkeys Could Fly

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Carol Rose

Sep 13, 2014
Indiana, USA
Yesterday was Thanksgiving Day here in the US, so I thought I'd share this. :)

Not sure if anyone outside the States ever had the pleasure of seeing episodes of WRKP In Cincinnati, but it's a sitcom from the late 70's/early 80's that I still love watching on cable when I can catch it. This particular episode is one of the funniest moments in TV history, IMHO. :)

Yesterday was Thanksgiving Day here in the US, so I thought I'd share this. :)

Not sure if anyone outside the States ever had the pleasure of seeing episodes of WRKP In Cincinnati, but it's a sitcom from the late 70's/early 80's that I still love watching on cable when I can catch it. This particular episode is one of the funniest moments in TV history, IMHO. :)

I'm guessing the Turkeys were meant to be flying?
Yesterday was Thanksgiving Day here in the US, so I thought I'd share this. :)

Not sure if anyone outside the States ever had the pleasure of seeing episodes of WRKP In Cincinnati, but it's a sitcom from the late 70's/early 80's that I still love watching on cable when I can catch it. This particular episode is one of the funniest moments in TV history, IMHO. :)

Isn't that dating you a little @Carol Rose ? I always thought WKRP was ridiculous, maybe that's why I used to laugh so hard when I watched it. Oh, well, life was simpler back then; back in the dark ages. Now, something like that wouldn't work. You'd have turkeys complaining about anti-turkey rhetoric, anti-turkey bias, and turkey torture/cruelty. They may even start a movement..."Turkey Lives Matter".
Am I the only one who has no idea what you are all talking about?
It's an old sitcom. I posted the scene I'm referring to in the first post. The show was about a fictional radio station. This particular episode was a Thanksgiving stunt the station manager set up, believing turkeys could fly. He let them loose out of a helicopter to fly over a mall as part of a promotion for the station, and for a store in the mall (if I remember correctly), but turkeys can't fly, so they simply fell to the pavement. Les (the reporter in the scene) was on the scene live, reporting about it as it happened. He didn't know the turkeys would come out of the helicopter, which made his reactions even funnier.
It's an old sitcom. I posted the scene I'm referring to in the first post. The show was about a fictional radio station. This particular episode was a Thanksgiving stunt the station manager set up, believing turkeys could fly. He let them loose out of a helicopter to fly over a mall as part of a promotion for the station, and for a store in the mall (if I remember correctly), but turkeys can't fly, so they simply fell to the pavement. Les (the reporter in the scene) was on the scene live, reporting about it as it happened. He didn't know the turkeys would come out of the helicopter, which made his reactions even funnier.

Add to that, Les was reporting in the style of the reporter on the Hindenburg disaster.
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