Apologies to my would-be reviewers

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Jan 11, 2018
I gather Agent Pete has tweaked the Writing Groups permissions so that "new" members can't get access until they've made 20 posts - so apologies to those reviewers who've offered their services for The Orb and the Architect - I can't even reply to your kind offers but they are: Quillwitch, Jimmithyth and Kitty.
I've been offline for a few weeks while my password reset email was pining in my junk folder but now I'm back I'll try to post 20 times asap so I can access the Writing Group I created before the changes and invite my kind reviewers to critique my work! Phew!
Thanks, Agent Pete. Will I need to set up the Writing Group again? I can't see the group I set up before the changes were made. And I'm assuming I can't reply to the offers in The Mash as it's now obsolete?
Kirsty, when you set up the group, you can invite all the people who had previously offered their time.
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