Another Near Miss

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Alistair Roberts

I've lost count, but probably this is at least the sixth positive rejection I've had. Whilst some are just polite (which I don't count), given that it's from the Blair Partnership, I'm happy if frustrated once again. Good reason to keep persevering I hope.
Blair Partnership said (in part) “We have read this with great interest... We apologise for the disappointing response and as this is such a subjective industry we would strongly recommend that you send your work to as many other agencies as possible. We are sure that you will find the right home for this and we wish you every success in doing so."
I've lost count, but probably this is at least the sixth positive rejection I've had. Whilst some are just polite (which I don't count), given that it's from the Blair Partnership, I'm happy if frustrated once again. Good reason to keep persevering I hope.
Blair Partnership said (in part) “We have read this with great interest... We apologise for the disappointing response and as this is such a subjective industry we would strongly recommend that you send your work to as many other agencies as possible. We are sure that you will find the right home for this and we wish you every success in doing so."

That sounds promising! That's more than I've got. I get no response and no reason.
That definitely sounds promising. It just feels like that all it needs is the right agent for it. So basically you have to match your book with the right agent. Twitter is useful for this. I'm sure you know this already.
Fineprint Literary Management has this to say:
"Thanks for thinking of me. Your query looked interesting, but I'm overwhelmed with material at the moment and not really taking on new clients. Good luck with your writing, and search for representation."

I always send an immediate thank you, for their consideration and quick response (if applicable), along with the following:
"It would be foolish of me not to try to learn and better myself and my work following this experience. If you have any advice or critique about my work, my submission process, or anything at all that you would like to say, I would be overjoyed to hear it. Thank you for the work you do for meriting authors, and have a great day!"

It turns out that while an agent might be too busy to take you on as a client, some of them love to give extremely helpful advice.
That definitely sounds promising. It just feels like that all it needs is the right agent for it. So basically you have to match your book with the right agent. Twitter is useful for this. I'm sure you know this already.
Which is why I have my Facebook page (not profile) linked to Twitter. Although I don't like twitter at all and think it's a lot of twit lol. But it can't hurt to use it. ;)
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