Another indispensable book ...

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....I have thus far spectacularly failed to acquire. And am too old to worry about now, But may pass it on to a daughter threatening to go to Lanzarote.

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Jeez I think I have that book. Same cover only it covers the basics of Disco Dancing like John Travolta. From my Dad, the cop. "Make them think you're going for their balls then gouge their eye out with your car key." Course the car keys back then were longer and sharper.
Jeez I think I have that book. Same cover only it covers the basics of Disco Dancing like John Travolta. From my Dad, the cop. "Make them think you're going for their balls then gouge their eye out with your car key." Course the car keys back then were longer and sharper.
Difficult when the car keys are in the handbag you're dancing around. But the stilettos are great for going for their balls.
Difficult when the car keys are in the handbag you're dancing around. But the stilettos are great for going for their balls.
The thing is if you go for the balls first -they're expecting that move so they grab your leg and you're on the ground in a bad position. Usually guys like this are used to assaulting women. However, they aren't expecting you to break their nose or jab their eye. Stilletto in the eye-though. That's a plan.
The nose, and the inside of the shin is sensitive. A wallop to the larynx. Car keys yes. Walk along with them ready to hand. I thought I was being followed once, a fairly busy street in Didsbury in Manchester, going along back to my car with some grocery shopping, only about 7: 00 PM. Felt a presence over my shoulder, walking too close behind me. I crossed the road then suddenly sprinted, jumped over a low fence into the car-park, opened my car door got in, slammed it, locked it. A man was standing at the end of the bonnet, leaning against it, staring in at me through the windscreen. Then he turned and crossed over the road again and went back the way he came. So I knew I hadn't imagined it, about being followed. But there were plenty of people about. What did he think he could get away with? The nerve of it.
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