Nicole Wilson
Backstory: As you all already know, I'm a bit paranoid.
As I recently asked for beta readers, I realized how nervous I was about it. Sending my MS out into the world where people could potentially steal it was terrifying. However, the people that responded were people I trusted on here, so I didn't have a problem this time around.
The real question: should there be a spot in the Houses for those that have been vetted by AgentPete and the admins to ask others that have been vetted to beta read? This way, we know we're asking regular contributors to the site and they won't volunteer, get the whole MS, and then drop off the face of the Earth.
Also, as I've talked about this a touch with @AgentPete, please suggest names for this little section.

The real question: should there be a spot in the Houses for those that have been vetted by AgentPete and the admins to ask others that have been vetted to beta read? This way, we know we're asking regular contributors to the site and they won't volunteer, get the whole MS, and then drop off the face of the Earth.
Also, as I've talked about this a touch with @AgentPete, please suggest names for this little section.