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An option for the Houses

Should there be a place in the Houses to ask for beta readers?

  • Yes

    Votes: 12 100.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Jun 14, 2015
Texas, USA
Backstory: As you all already know, I'm a bit paranoid. :) As I recently asked for beta readers, I realized how nervous I was about it. Sending my MS out into the world where people could potentially steal it was terrifying. However, the people that responded were people I trusted on here, so I didn't have a problem this time around.

The real question: should there be a spot in the Houses for those that have been vetted by AgentPete and the admins to ask others that have been vetted to beta read? This way, we know we're asking regular contributors to the site and they won't volunteer, get the whole MS, and then drop off the face of the Earth.

Also, as I've talked about this a touch with @AgentPete, please suggest names for this little section. :)
I don't know whether or not this would be redundant, but it sounds fine in theory — do you mean almost a sort of "Litopian licensing board for beta-reading?"

Now, I know your paranoia all too well; I have it every time I send my unpublished book to someone, no matter who it is. And no one can ever be certain about another human being, can they? But this idea could also provide for a sort of literary militia, or vigilante group, if you will, to protect each others' IP.
I'm basically asking for a spot within the Houses where we can ask for beta readers. Since people that can see the Houses are vetted and bc generally those in the Houses are active in Litopia, they make me feel safer about sending my MS out.
Oh — I was going to say, "that's what the Houses are already," — but I see the difference. Yeah, makes sense.

"Help Wanted" or other such.
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Sounds good, but I'm not sure if you would get more security than you do with the Houses, and I am feeling a bit iffy about them (coz I am MUCH more paranoid than you) - I mean, 7 people downloaded The Mirror, which I put into The Cocktail House, but only 3 replied with a critique. Who are the other 4? What have they done with my MS? Where is it now? I just don't know. And that makes me nervous.
Disclaimer: This is strictly my opinion.

I have yet to download anything from anyone on Litopia (at least I don't think I have). I prefer to do it all via e-mail and as a trade (I'll read yours if you'll read mine). That way I know where every copy of mine is and who hasn't responded lately. Sending a ms to anyone is terrifying. There are the two inevitably disastrous questions that run through my mind. "What if they don't like it?" and "What if they do like it and will they try to steal my idea?" I'm more paranoid of others I don't know than I am of those I do know and, to me, if I have your e-mail, you're more "known" (whatever that means).

Personally, I have an issue with asking some else to read my work, but it's mainly that I don't like bothering anyone.
I might have..but i dont download them onto my computer..i read them with intention to critique...and then realise on ipad i cant do that. Page then closes file disappears.
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Maybe a setting on our account settings "Available for beta-reading" to be set or unset when we have the time to beta-read. Inside any house would be a button for available readers. That would let us control when we have time and when we are too busy or unavailable at that time.
Sounds good, but I'm not sure if you would get more security than you do with the Houses, and I am feeling a bit iffy about them (coz I am MUCH more paranoid than you) - I mean, 7 people downloaded The Mirror, which I put into The Cocktail House, but only 3 replied with a critique. Who are the other 4? What have they done with my MS? Where is it now? I just don't know. And that makes me nervous.

You won’t get a 100% success rate! People have all sorts of reasons for not following through... maybe they hate it but don’t want to say so, or maybe the dog just ate their iPad. You'll never, ever know :)

I don't know how nervous you really are, Marc. My advice, as covered in the Guide, strongly suggests you don't post anything on the net (inc here) that is uniquely high-concept.
You won’t get a 100% success rate! People have all sorts of reasons for not following through... maybe they hate it but don’t want to say so, or maybe the dog just ate their iPad. You'll never, ever know :)

I don't know how nervous you really are, Marc. My advice, as covered in the Guide, strongly suggests you don't post anything on the net (inc here) that is uniquely high-concept.
I am really nervous. Your advice was comprehensive, I have only myself to blame for posting the whole thing - I should have adopted the wiser approach of just putting up a smallish chunk. Live and learn.
@Marc Joan I will admit I'm one of the people that downloaded The Mirror but havent responded. I haven't had much free time lately, so I haven't been able to get to it.

And thank you, you've given me a new thing to worry about. Didn't realize I could see the download numbers! lol
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Marc, you can delete it whenever you want to, you know, and post a shorter version.

Also, remember what I wrote in the guide about the paradox of learning by critiquing. Maybe just do that for a bit? You will certainly benefit.
Marc, you can delete it whenever you want to, you know, and post a shorter version.

Also, remember what I wrote in the guide about the paradox of learning by critiquing. Maybe just do that for a bit? You will certainly benefit.
AP, I deleted it days ago, fuelled by fear of my fellow man. And woman.
And yes, you are quite right about learning by critiquing - have found that already.
I don't believe that number is a "download" number, but the number who looked at it?
For what it's worth, if I haven't given anyone feedback, I haven't downloaded your story. There are so many more experienced authors on this site whose comments I'd only be echoing and repeating. I leave it to more capable hands than mine.
For what it's worth, if I haven't given anyone feedback, I haven't downloaded your story. There are so many more experienced authors on this site whose comments I'd only be echoing and repeating. I leave it to more capable hands than mine.

Sometimes, comments from anyone can help in ways you can't imagine. After all, authors tend to not see the forest for the trees, especially when it comes to our own work. Something simple like knowing if a ms held your interest all the way through is very helpful.
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For what it's worth, if I haven't given anyone feedback, I haven't downloaded your story. There are so many more experienced authors on this site whose comments I'd only be echoing and repeating. I leave it to more capable hands than mine.
While I get where you're coming from, as I've been there too, don't discount your advice. Even if you don't have any writing advice to give, you're still a reader, and a reader with writing experience. You can still offer useful advice.
While I get where you're coming from, as I've been there too, don't discount your advice. Even if you don't have any writing advice to give, you're still a reader, and a reader with writing experience. You can still offer useful advice.

Exactly! Repeating what someone else says is an indicator that the author needs to really look close at something because more than one person said the same thing.
Exactly! Repeating what someone else says is an indicator that the author needs to really look close at something because more than one person said the same thing.
That and @Jennifer Stone you might have the piece of advice that revolutionizes the whole damn story! I've been babbling about all my super-awesome ideas for the story at times, to my wife in the car before, and she's looked up from her phone and been like, "well what about [this]," and I am all like, "THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING!"
should there be a spot in the Houses for those that have been vetted by AgentPete and the admins to ask others that have been vetted to beta read?

Small correction... I don’t “vet”. Although it’s true that I’ve always liked working with animals :)

No-one is actually investigated/cleared for membership or access here. Getting access to the Houses depends on an algorithm... which may change over time... and is intended to give a rough approximation of how much the person concerned contributes to the community here.
It's more the thought that I don't feel qualified to pass comment on another's work, like I don't know enough about my own writing to do it with any sense of humanity in my soul. I need more confidence in my abilities I think.
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It's more the thought that I don't feel qualified to pass comment on another's work, like I don't know enough about my own writing to do it with any sense of humanity in my soul. I need more confidence in my abilities I think.
And that particular perspective on my own work is unique and valued, Jennifer.

Don't you try to encompass a variety of perspectives when you give your work to readers? A fellow writer; a reader that doesn't write but enjoys your genre; a reader that doesn't often read your genre; and so forth... you are one opinion of many needed, and none the less valuable for it!
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