Ahoy, fellow crazy types!

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Hi, all!
I'm Howard, I live in the UK and I am currently going through that exquisite joy of trying to find representation for either of the two books I most recently completed.
I've been writing for around ten years and have completed a number of works, but I am yet to be published in an official capacity. I have self-published two books via the Amazon Kindle program which was...an experience, should we say? Both those novels were written some time ago and were consciously written in a slightly odd style, so they stand apart from the main body of my work, I guess.
Currently, as stated, I am trying to find representation for the first in a series of YA books and for the first in a series of (I hate this word, but it saves time) Steampunk books.

Aside from the above, I am actively trying to gain some chops in the areas I lack, such as creating powerful and captivating synopses and how to pitch myself better to prospective agents; things I imagine I will be able to learn from those of you who are wiser in such arcane practices! (I am also rewriting 1 book and actively writing 3 others, because why make it easy on yourself, right?)

Hope to speak to you all soon!
Hi, Katie-Ellen. Thanks for the reply. That's a great little guide there!
Where I am struggling specifically now is on two points. First, while I can knock out a good 1 page synopsis, the dust-jacket (or Elevator Pitch) still eludes me. Second, both of the books I am trying to promote are the first in a series, and it is important for me to get that across and hint at what is to come while still adequately covering what has already been written. With one book, there is a set arc of 6 more books to come and I know how the whole thing will play out from beginning to the very end. Do I begin to tell that tale in the synopsis or stick to the book in hand? As to the other book, it is an open ended story with a world and characters I can pretty much write endlessly about, merrily sending them from one bout of derring do to another. That should be more simple to explain, but again, I struggle...
Hi, Katie-Ellen. Thanks for the reply. That's a great little guide there!
Where I am struggling specifically now is on two points. First, while I can knock out a good 1 page synopsis, the dust-jacket (or Elevator Pitch) still eludes me. Second, both of the books I am trying to promote are the first in a series, and it is important for me to get that across and hint at what is to come while still adequately covering what has already been written. With one book, there is a set arc of 6 more books to come and I know how the whole thing will play out from beginning to the very end. Do I begin to tell that tale in the synopsis or stick to the book in hand? As to the other book, it is an open ended story with a world and characters I can pretty much write endlessly about, merrily sending them from one bout of derring do to another. That should be more simple to explain, but again, I struggle...

I divn't knaa, hinny, what do the others say? - but agents generally say not to confuse/mix a dust jacket blurb with a synopsis.
Maybe you could add 'completed sequel also available,' or words to that effect at the end?
Welcome Howard, and by that title you seem to know us well already. :D
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