About me

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Feb 18, 2018
Recently I threw up my whole life to come back to Ireland to do an MA in creative writing ... it was, and continues to be, a huge challenge ... my relationship broke up a couple of months after starting my course and that was extremely difficult. Anyway I started to write fiction on the MA for the first time and my efforts seemed to be very well received for the most part and I finished the MA and am now working on a novel. Its damn difficult stuff ... writing a novel and I am for the most part pretty much on my own and cut off from any sort of writing community or critical or creative support ... HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello :)

It is difficult. This is a nice writer's hangout. Lots of goodwill and good humour, lots of different kinds of know-how. What kind of a novel?
Hello :)

It is difficult. This is a nice writer's hangout. Lots of goodwill and good humour, lots of different kinds of know-how. What kind of a novel?
Thank you Katie What kind of a novel? I suppose its a coming of age sort of thing set in Ireland in the 70s and 80s when the country is going through serious change but the old guard are very much still in power
Hi everybody Thank you for such a warm nice welcome. I wasn't expecting it. I've been meaning to get involved in this for a bit but never got round to it. I'm a relatively new writer .. been writing for about 6 years. Although I've been involved in the arts all my life mostly film, but some painting, graphics etc too ... I never really contemplated writing fiction before although I've always been interested in cinema and had a vague dream that one day ... it was only on my MA that I discovered fiction ... so I'm very very new to it. This novel I'm trying to write is really a trial by fire ... haven't really got a clue what I'm doing but I've written about 45,000 words maybe .. I love the idea of the colony you use ..sounds like we are on Mars or something ... I've just come back to Ireland after 30 years in London so everything is daunting ... I am on Mars!!!
Welcome to the Colony! Good luck with your writing...it's the best way of exploring your inner space. George Bernard Shaw put it well;

"Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself."
Welcome! Try to find a writing group. Here in the Chicago area, writing groups often meet in public libraries. Check out online for locations, and do try to find a group. Welcome! Hang in there!
Writers usually eventually need to do something to force themselves to get out. I bet you'll find there are writing groups in your area. Or reading groups. Although, there's also tons of stuff on the internet and of course you found litopia.
Hi Yanapuma and welcome aboard! You've definitely come to the right place - there are so many supportive people here who all have one thing in common - their creative journey.

I live on a tiny island in the Caribbean and there is no writing group here. I too felt isolated and alone until I began researching agents to submit to. I found Redhammer and Litopia and well, the rest is history. There is a real sense of community here. I have made some wonderful friends through this colony and gained a huge amount of knowledge, feedback and confidence.

May your fingers continue to dance across the keyboard...
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