A wee thought experiment

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I would say something like this.

Thomas was running away, shedding his dignity.

I think dignity is not something solid, you either have it, or not, you can gain it or lose it, how you do is important.

Thomas was running away, his dignity sloping off like badly placed tiles in a storm, etc.
Personally, I think Thomas has shamed himself and is trying to outrun his embarrassment, like he has left his dignity behind him at the site of his indignity.
Or perhaps, he knows what he is about to do will cause humiliation, and so is running away from his dignity and towards ridicule.
Running away implies a deliberate choice by Thomas, even if it is an impetuous choice. He must be feeling trapped by his position of dignity, and has chosen to live life in a more free and easy way. This may be self-destructive, but he doesn't care.

(I'm writing from personal experience here!)
I really like it! No need to change it if it´s for 12 year olds, they get it. But it might depend on what comes next. How exactly waas he doing this? It sounds like sarcasm. Is it meant to be?
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