A peek inside the query process (at a publisher)

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Excuse the guy's typos because the message is humbling:

He says that all the feedback forms: 'never say the work was bad' just not right for them.
Honestly, I'd Rather an agent/publisher just flat out tell me my writing was bad, so I could work on it. But I get that they probably receive a lot of abuse from... Unstable people.
He says that all the feedback forms: 'never say the work was bad' just not right for them.
Honestly, I'd Rather an agent/publisher just flat out tell me my writing was bad, so I could work on it. But I get that they probably receive a lot of abuse from... Unstable people.

Yes, in one way I think you're right, but I wonder if a modicum of respect for the effort writer's put into a book is also there, no matter how bad? Or maybe I'm too hopeful, lol!
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