"A man would never do that"...


Fanfare! Upcoming publication

high stakes plot ideas

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The whole Hunter-Gatherer thing reminds me of that sorry image that KTLN shared of the all-male pride of lions. The only thing male lions can gather are groups of hard-working females and the only thing they can hunt productively are the flies on their faces. Sorry excuse for gender roles, as they seem to be right in there with male Preying Mantids. They only exist for one moment of sex, then they provide a tasty meal for their wives. Sad.

Sounds like married life to me ;)
Sorry if my profile photo bothers you, @Katie-Ellen Hazeldine. I have long realised my fondness for creatures with more than four legs freaks many people out. I decided to run with it, anyway. Hiding my entomophilia would be like hiding my gender--disingenuous and doomed to fail.
Which is why many insects dispense with males altogether. Females just clone themselves. Which is why you should always err on the side of the female pronouns when discussing insects...
Yeah well who opens the effing pickle jars?! Did ya think of THAT?!
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Fanfare! Upcoming publication

high stakes plot ideas
