Just finished reading a debut novel by Mo, a member of Litopia ...his handle here is @Madz.
Mo had a story here. A story about the eternal problems of growing up, finding your place in a wider world while still nested with family. But also, a story that's a real life scorching hot potato about terrorist grooming online, of teenage girls (and boys) The story is based on true events in the national news and also for him, events closer to home.
Plus Mo is a Maths teacher. He knows teens.
By BookBag and it's also been reviewed in The Guardian and The Independent.
I've left a reader's review on Amazon (Hesperus).
Bon courage, mes amis. Hope for all ye who enter here.
And well done, Mo!
Mo had a story here. A story about the eternal problems of growing up, finding your place in a wider world while still nested with family. But also, a story that's a real life scorching hot potato about terrorist grooming online, of teenage girls (and boys) The story is based on true events in the national news and also for him, events closer to home.
Plus Mo is a Maths teacher. He knows teens.
By BookBag and it's also been reviewed in The Guardian and The Independent.
I've left a reader's review on Amazon (Hesperus).
Bon courage, mes amis. Hope for all ye who enter here.
And well done, Mo!
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