A great piece, and insight into writing, about Nora Roberts

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Full Member
Dec 3, 2020
Berlin, Germany
I admit, I have not read Nora Roberts. There is no reason for this. but this piece is fascinating. It's 15 years old, from The New Yorker, but includes her rules for writing (basically shut up, sit down, and write. For 8 hours a day. It's your job, after all). the piece discusses her productivity, 180 some books at the time of the article, and that fact that she was, pretty much every year, near a best seller not only in Romance but also in Mysteries (where she wrote under the name J.D. Robb).
a sample of her dialogue quoted within. The entire piece is well worth a read, unless you're over your monthly limit:

Burns: I’m informed that you and the deceased had a relationship.
Tucker: What we had was sex.
Another chose “The Heart’s Victory,” as Lance Matthews, a race-car driver, walks in on Cynthia (Foxy) Fox taking a bath:

Foxy: I’ve decided to hate you.
Lance: Oh? Again?

Can't read it.

I read Roberts' Obsession. It was trade romance. I enjoyed it. I started another by her but gave up by chapter 3 because it was going to become crime I wouldn't be able to stomach. She's written a couple of urban fantasy too. I haven't read one yet. Her book-count is well over 200 now. She allegedly sues people who publish fan-fiction based on her work.
Can't read it.

I read Roberts' Obsession. It was trade romance. I enjoyed it. I started another by her but gave up by chapter 3 because it was going to become crime I wouldn't be able to stomach. She's written a couple of urban fantasy too. I haven't read one yet. Her book-count is well over 200 now. She allegedly sues people who publish fan-fiction based on her work.
did you click the link in the text as well as the bug at the bottom?
Okay, this is the problem of linking stories in a paywall world. I didn't think it would matter, as I don't subscribe. But apparently it does, sorry to put it up there if you can't access the article, kind of unfair
This is a fantastic article, thanks for sharing. I've never read Nora Roberts but I will now.
I like her wit and inspiring work ethic.
I remember reading about Nora Roberts decades ago. The original paperback Queen. But I was too cool for "romance novels." She is said to be the inspiration for Romancing the Stone. The dialog. Oh my Giddy Aunt. I'm listening to Remarkably Bright Creatures which is deeply indented with the mold marks left behind by a creative writing degree. I'm afraid any AI program could match it. But Nora's dialog? Take that ChatGPX. I am now going to up her sales figures.
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Journalist about Nora: "She has a dirty mouth, a smoker's voice, and a closet full of Armani." Brilliant! I'm now going to go away and write a three feature character-sketch for each of my present WIP's characters.

Nora Roberts also does head-hopping really well. Her sex scenes are full of head-hops, and it works.
Can't read it.

I read Roberts' Obsession. It was trade romance. I enjoyed it. I started another by her but gave up by chapter 3 because it was going to become crime I wouldn't be able to stomach. She's written a couple of urban fantasy too. I haven't read one yet. Her book-count is well over 200 now. She allegedly sues people who publish fan-fiction based on her work.
Journalist about Nora: "She has a dirty mouth, a smoker's voice, and a closet full of Armani." Brilliant! I'm now going to go away and write a three feature character-sketch for each of my present WIP's characters.

Nora Roberts also does head-hopping really well. Her sex scenes are full of head-hops, and it works.
Nora Roberts has also been a strong advocate for writers and a campaigner against rampant plagiarism in our ever shifting techno-whirl. I really enjoyed The Obsession.
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