A great one has passed. Thank you Ms. LeGuin

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Yep, it just goes to show how relevant she was -- how relevant her work still is! I'm sure her legacy will persist for a long time to come.

Absolutely, as Robinn mentions, not everyone "got into her" but her legacy is so great that we still see her fingerprints on many books that came after hers. I would think even HP was influenced by her Earthsea Chronicles.
A good read that. There are few people I count as heroes, but she is definitely one of them. I agree, Paul, with the joy of her advice on POV, etc. I also liked this bit:

The only way anybody ever learns to write well is by trying to write well. This usually begins by reading good writing by other people, and writing very badly by yourself, for a long time.

I'm just thinking, I called her a hero of mine. Perhaps I should have called her a heroine. Hero/heroine, how do we use these words these days?

Maybe I'll call her my heroin, addictive as she is. I'd like to think that would have made her smile [wryly].
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