A Fate to Avoid....

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Paul Whybrow

Full Member
Jun 20, 2015
Cornwall, UK
I came across a word new to me, in my rambles around literary blogs. I found it on The Passive Voice, a blog by a lawyer and writer; I recommend his newsletter to you.

Nachlass is borrowed from German and means writings that remain unpublished on an author's death.

Should this unhappy event occur (quite likely!), then hopefully a friend or relative will strive to interest an agent or publisher in one's masterpiece—as happened with John Kennedy Toole's A Confederacy of Dunces.

I think I shall have my mortal remains compounded into a diamond, and any unpublished brilliance, I shall have condensed into a little envelope that I can put the diamond in, then I shall have it all sent on a voyage to the furthest stars for some far off culture to appreciate the apex of human kind.
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