Impressionist Painter Eva Ulian
I was a Common People Painter because I charged only for the time and materials used- and sometimes not even that. Since I worked for the US Army in Vicenza I sold many works to men and women in the U.S. Armed Forces and proud to have done so.
(Click on the title above to read the article of attachment below.)
The picture below is what you see behind me in our Huddle sittings and was asked to post here.

And finally, here is one of my poems which was read by Alan Freeman on his "Poem for the Day" spot on Radio One, way back in 1972.
Coffee Break
Sitting in coffee bars
Among steaming cups
That are strangers,
And the crusts left behind
Drying hard on the
White plates.
One or two persons
Linger in corners,
A strange face or two
Appear behind a wall,
And the lady with her
Dyed blond hair
Chatters behind
The counter.
She smiles once or twice
As the long queue passes by…
And I cast my eyes to the floor
Littered with bus tickets
And half-lit cigarette ends
And spilt coffee stains
And silence draws a step
There is no silence here
Except in my mind,
That throbs and aches
And whines like a hungry
Child waiting to be fed,
Innocent but demanding
Grasping the soft, swollen breast.
There are noises and
Familiar screeches of tyres
And brakes and well
Dressed ladies opening
Their bright orange lips
In endless, meaningless chatter.
Or a group of
Young people all clamouring
Together noisily, clinging
To one another, dependent
Like drowning people in a
Panic, gripping
Each other, a
Splintered raft, afraid
Of sinking…
And the day slips
Away from its bitter
Awakening, rude and
Loud, and fades
Dying in shame.
© Eva Ulian
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