
  1. LJ Beck

    Craft Chat 5 Things you’ve learned writing ‘Book name”

    I just read this blog post by Chuck Wendig (link below) and it sounds like a fun/cool thing for us to do too. List 5 things you’ve learned writing a now completed novel/novella. It doesn’t have to be things about the book, it can be things you learned about yourself, or some interesting tidbit...
  2. Jason L.

    Fanfare! I defended my PhD today

    So if you have any broken, injured, or sick history, please do get it to me. 'Cause I'm a doctor now.
  3. Rich.

    Historical fiction – when to stop researching?

    Hi folks, This is a pretty open question (perhaps also a how-long-is-a-piece-of-string? question), but I know some of you write historical fiction, so I thought I'd ask. At what point do you say, "Enough already, these are my sources and now I must write"? I appreciate that research is an...
  4. Katie-Ellen

    Badger Poo. And Wombat Poo.

    What does it smell like? We want to get it right. We want to know. This question came up in a recent Pop-Up with special guest publisher Nic Cheetham from Head of Zeus. Sweet and musky, apparently, and they dig latrines. More about badger poo and other wildlife poo HERE Me? I do pellets of...
  5. Nicole Wilson

    The Google Searches of Writers

    As I've mentioned before, I'm positive I'm on at least one government watch list because of my Google searches for my book research. With as many times I've looked up guns and bombs and the like, there's no way I'm not. That said, I've seen some fun responses to this topic on other social media...