
  1. Paul Whybrow

    Thought for the Day If your heart is broken ....

    “If your heart is broken, make art with the pieces.” Shane Koyczan
  2. Paul Whybrow

    Thought for the Day My words will either attract....

    “My words will either attract a strong mind or offend a weak one.” Anne Sexton
  3. Pamela Jo

    News Maria Edgeworth ShortStory and Poetry Competition

  4. Paul Whybrow

    Thought for the Day Don't take my devils away, because....

    “Don't take my devils away, because my angels may flee too.” Rainer Maria Rilke
  5. Paul Whybrow

    Thought for the Day The only problem with Haiku is that you.....

    The only problem with Haiku is that you just get started and then Roger McGough
  6. Paul Whybrow

    Thought for the Day To enter into your own mind....

    To enter into your own mind you need to be armed to the teeth. Paul Valéry
  7. Paul Whybrow

    Thought for the Day For last year's words belong to.....

    “For last year’s words belong to last year’s language. And next year’s words await another voice.” T. S. Eliot
  8. From Our Blog

    Blog Post: WTF, Will! The poems 1 – 5

    New blog post by Vagabond Heart WTF, Will! The poems 1 – 5 Well, I’d just read all of Shakespeare’s plays and I was feeling extremely showy-offy. And yes, I’d been totally mind-blown or singularly unimpressed and all the stops inbetween. But I couldn’t say I’d read the Complete Works until...
  9. From Our Blog

    Blog Post: Don’t Call On Me

    New blog post by mickleinapickle Don’t Call On Me Cold winds blow through city streets as winter’s grip takes hold and grey souls in downbeat worlds retreat to lies untold. . Rain-lashed pavements now are bare, the forecast speaks of snow, but in grim northern climates an oasis starts...
  10. Pamela Jo

    Self-Publishing Spine? If Only Publishers Had a Backbone

    Subscriber OnlyOpinion We are up to our necks in a rising tide of AI-generated slop A person who thinks a book can be ‘edited’ by a piece of software is a person who simply doesn’t know what editing is Expand A majority of the study’s participants preferred a poem generated by AI in the style...
  11. Paul Whybrow

    Thought for the Day Whether it's poetry or short stories....

    Whether it’s poetry or short stories, [I’m writing] because I am really consumed with some question or series of questions grouped under the same obsession. I keep writing until I’m sick of exploring that question . . . I think that every writer should have a question they can ask that there is...
  12. From Our Blog

    Blog Post: The Welsh One

    New blog post by mickleinapickle – discussions in this thread, please --- We gazed from Cardiff’s seafront as the diamond radiance of a million stars glittered in autumn’s midnight. . I spoke of my soul’s breech by the songs of Bassey, Jenkins and the Jones’ boy, . of my tears’...
  13. Paul Whybrow

    Thought for the Day I must lose myself in.....

    I must lose myself in action, lest I wither in despair. Alfred, Lord Tennyson
  14. Paul Whybrow

    Thought for the Day Write beautifully what....

    Write beautifully what people don’t want to hear. Frederick Seidel
  15. Roz Morris

    Memoirists, poets, essayists... last chance to win a publishing deal

    Guys, I'm one of the judges in this small press competition. We're looking for memoirs, poetry collections and essay collections... and the winner will receive a cash prize and a publishing deal. You might have seen me post about this before... I'm repeating because the closing date is 1 July...
  16. Janae

    Poetry Smile

    What did you do today? Did you make someone laugh? Did you make someone smile? Did you make someone think, “Hey, you’re right. This life is worthwhile.” Or did you sit and stare And sit And sit And think Cruel God, why am I here? Well, I'm not sorry to say God doesn’t know either But look, I’ve...
  17. Janae

    Poetry Ghosts and Ghouls

    I like things that haunt me That twist up and taunt me That cling to my brain, to my skin, and my bones Their goal is my heart, or maybe my soul They burrow inside and stay for so long They love me, they need me, they don’t know it’s wrong I know they can’t stay 'Cause love turns to pain But...
  18. Nikky Lee

    How Emily Dickinson Writes A Poem: A Short Video Introduction

    Not amusing as such, but I found it interesting. How Emily Dickinson Writes A Poem: A Short Video Introduction | Open Culture
  19. Laura Lee

    Can poets be considered writers?

    Hello, writers. I am mainly a poet. At another site (gasp!) a novelist told me poets are not real writers since we deal with so few words. He pointed out that during our "write a novel in a month" month, what are we poets doing? Still obsessing about the same few lines or words? (Okay, I...
  20. Paul Whybrow

    The Power of Poetry

    I've long enjoyed reading poetry, which has been a source of comfort, wonder, humour and inspiration. When I returned to creative writing in 2013, I did so by penning poems and short stories, moving on to novellas. Several poems became the catalyst for longer forms. In two years I created 400...