
  1. AgentPete

    Service Update Big Changes to Our Social Media – and A Major Improvement To Your Litopia Blog

    Over the years, Litopia has amassed 38,000 followers on Twitter, so turning our back on them is hard. However – how many of those people are still there, in fact – and actually active? I don’t know. What I do know is that place is the embodiment of that unpleasant term for an even more...
  2. From Our Blog

    Blog Post: Book Club Programme & Dates for the Year

    New blog post by AgentPete Book Club Programme & Dates for the Year Litopia’s Book Club, run by @Jason, is an unmissable monthly event. There are – happily – lots of book clubs around. But none like ours. Quite simply, it’s a club run by writers for writers – so the perspective is altogether...
  3. JoanUP

    Help Please! Newbie questions. Getting started on Litopia

    @Jonny I'm having trouble understanding two things. Until now, I'm not a paying member. I don't mind becoming a paying member but trying to weigh what the advantages are. 1) I'm having trouble figuring out how to access the Discord server. I found an instruction document, but I don't even...
  4. AgentPete

    Dandelion Break Happy Holidays from Litopia, Here’s The Ant Game

    This year’s Xmas Writers' Huddle was one of the best on record (our regular Saturday Huddles are pedal-to-the-metal intense – we need to kick back once a year and have some fun). We thought those Litopians who could not attend might like to share one of the word games we played… The Ant Game...
  5. Nikky Lee

    LiNoWriMo Litopia Novel Writing Month (LiMoWriMo)

    Hi everyone! I put a feeler post out about this earlier in the month, and now it's officially happening! Here's how it'll work (for anyone who has done Writing Accountability Buddies, you may notice some similarities ;)) 1. Comment below to say you're want to join the event. 2. Tell us a bit...
  6. AgentPete

    Service Update Please Put Your Hands Together For…!

    As you may know, the Colony mostly runs pretty smoothly; with little or none of the rancour, abuse and sometimes sheer hatred that sours much of the rest of the web. One of the reasons for this is the indefatigable, yet mostly invisible, work of the Guardians. We’ve been very fortunate in...
  7. Still Waters

    Help Please! 2 Concerns about the Litopia Method

    I just finally read through the document about the Litopia Method and I have some questions or concerns about it. My first question is—how can you write down what you feel if the writing is so unclear you can’t understand what the writer means--and according to the method, you're not supposed...
  8. Katie-Ellen

    The real work happens behind the scenes

    Let loose and let rip. Writing is one thing. Publishing another. Performance anxiety is putting the cart before the horse.
  9. Katie-Ellen

    Season's Greetings

    Writing friends of Litopia, near and far, new and, erm, old/er. Thank you for all the fun and your good company. Wishing you health and happiness in 2022. May the Muse be with you, and your writing prosper.
  10. Katie-Ellen

    Fanfare! Litopian Madz...His Debut YA Novel Featured in The Times :)

    Looka here:- Just seen on twitter. He did it himself! But a member here a long time, our friend, and that's something to celebrate... I know @Madz wouldn't post this himself. Read on. I Am Thunder
  11. AgentPete

    Katie-Ellen Is Writing Dangerously This Year...

    :) The Year of Writing Dangerously
  12. Katie-Ellen

    Inkitt Novel Submissions: the Contract

    I got another email from these people today. This is their contract. What do people think? Has anyone here submitted any work to Inkitt ? (deadline today) I'd feel myself, that I would be putting my head into a bag re COPYRIGHT Here is what you win, looks pretty good, but what do you lose?
  13. Katie-Ellen

    Sci Fi Writers of Litopia, submission opportunity.

    Seen on Twitter Deadline: June 30th, 2017 Payment: $5 per 1,000 words up front, royalties, and a contributor’s copy Other submission opportunities too. Horror Tree
  14. Katie-Ellen

    Fanfare! A teeny fanfare: being published, flash fiction born here..

    'Red Rescue', it began life here in the Flash Fiction club, and had a few re-writes. It will be illustrated and published in August with The Story Shack I am sure they would want to see work from other folks here. Non-exclusive, you are free to place the piece elsewhere meantime.
  15. Katie-Ellen

    Podcast: How To Write a London Novel

    PODCAST With Will Self and other London writers. Ben Aaronovitch could get a mention. Reviewers who say they don't read fantasy have also said they have read Rivers of London for his wonderful portraiture of streets they know: London Books are big business, and London's open for Business...