
  1. Pamela Jo

    News people who dont read say AI writing creatively
  2. Paul Whybrow

    Thought for the Day Editing. It's like....

    “Editing. It’s like dieting; except a lot more violent.” Leya Delray
  3. Pamela Jo

    Craft Chat Tips on How to Rev Your Creative Engine-from a writing coach

    Maria McHale from “Any activity becomes creative when the doer cares about doing it right or better.” – John Updike A lot of writers worry too much about creativity, and not enough about consistency of output. If that’s you, let’s talk about manipulating your mind out of making that...
  4. Paul Whybrow

    Thought for the Day Write beautifully what....

    Write beautifully what people don’t want to hear. Frederick Seidel
  5. Still Waters

    Help Please! I have a BIG PROBLEM fixing my creative writing

    Yesterday I dug up the first short story I ever wrote, back in 2011. I loved it at the time. It is a hybrid between real experiences from my life, and some necessary fiction to move the scenes along. I'm not sure if it constitutes creative non-fiction, but something of that nature. I wrote it in...
  6. Paul Whybrow

    Thought for the Day Any creative writing....

    “Any creative writing teacher worth their salt will tell you that a great story never starts at the beginning, it starts when something changes.” Juno Dawson
  7. Paul Whybrow

    Thought for the Day Creative work is....

    “Creative work is very hard, and some sort of self-deception is necessary simply in order to start.” Sidney Lumet (from Making Movies)
  8. mken_writes

    Where do you find your inspiration?

    Hi all I've just been writing a blog post about where famous authors found the inspiration for their novels. Just wondering what you guys do when you're in need of inspiration? Matt
  9. Jay Aitch

    Random Title Creator

    Here's a bit of fun. And perhaps something to spark ideas. I am sat here looking an overcast sky, a uniform grey and the thought occurred to me, what sort of story could come from the word: Greyscale ... So, just for a lark (or not) anyone else fancy jotting down some random titles that pop...