Pleased to finally get around to registering on here. I have always wanted to be a professional author since my younger years but for one reason or the other (and mea culpa) I only ever really played at it.
But over the years I have managed to complete a few novels, two of which have languished in first draft copies, one of which I published on Amazon and another which I have just finished going through the multi-drafting process on and which I am hoping to put out within the next few weeks.
My next project is a crime novel in which I hope to do for Croydon what Ian Rankin has done for Edinburgh
along with a screen writing project that has been nagging away at me for a while and in which I have a pipe dream of creating the best London based crime caper since 'The Long Good Friday'. Although, and lets be honest here, there ain't been much of any real quality since.
A massive weakness in my character is a tendency to compartmentalise my life with my writing very much kept into that odd sized draw that you end up throwing all the odds and sods into and I need to make the effort to try and interact with others who share this odd passion and this site seems as good a place as any to make a start doing that.
And for me, fiction writing and reading is a passion. That buzz I get when my muse, who is a white haired old fella called Norman who wears a slippers and smokes a pipe, makes the right plot connections which allows things to fall into place and rings that big brass bell he keeps on his desk is a sensation that is, for this sad South London chap, the definition of being the most fun I can have with my clothes on.
I write what I would want to read and have come to view it as my hobby. If that hobby could one day pay the bills then great but it has to always be something more to me than just my one stab at fame and fortune. I write because that is what I adore doing. My definition of a good night in is a plate of digestives, a pot of tea and a chance to just sit and imagine 'what if' (which usually involves the downfall of mankind but hey, ho, no animals or children got killed in the making of this movie!).
That's about it !
Pleased to finally get around to registering on here. I have always wanted to be a professional author since my younger years but for one reason or the other (and mea culpa) I only ever really played at it.
But over the years I have managed to complete a few novels, two of which have languished in first draft copies, one of which I published on Amazon and another which I have just finished going through the multi-drafting process on and which I am hoping to put out within the next few weeks.
My next project is a crime novel in which I hope to do for Croydon what Ian Rankin has done for Edinburgh

A massive weakness in my character is a tendency to compartmentalise my life with my writing very much kept into that odd sized draw that you end up throwing all the odds and sods into and I need to make the effort to try and interact with others who share this odd passion and this site seems as good a place as any to make a start doing that.
And for me, fiction writing and reading is a passion. That buzz I get when my muse, who is a white haired old fella called Norman who wears a slippers and smokes a pipe, makes the right plot connections which allows things to fall into place and rings that big brass bell he keeps on his desk is a sensation that is, for this sad South London chap, the definition of being the most fun I can have with my clothes on.
I write what I would want to read and have come to view it as my hobby. If that hobby could one day pay the bills then great but it has to always be something more to me than just my one stab at fame and fortune. I write because that is what I adore doing. My definition of a good night in is a plate of digestives, a pot of tea and a chance to just sit and imagine 'what if' (which usually involves the downfall of mankind but hey, ho, no animals or children got killed in the making of this movie!).
That's about it !