Your Twitter Accounts

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Damian North

His guys, was wondering if you'd be willing to share you twitter accounts.
I've followed some very interesting authors over the past couple of years and I'm always looking to expand my contacts.
My Twitter account is @Damian_North.
I'll be happy to follow you and hopefully we can all follow each other as a community of writers.
Tell me your secret Jason! How did you end up with over 1000 followers?
Maybe a week and a half of madly following thousands of people. I would do a search for "writer," "author," "literary agent," as well as things like "social media guru" and "success coach," and just followed every single person on the list, until Twitter put a stop to it. Every time you go to someone's actual page and follow them, more suggestions pop up similar to them, and I followed those as well. And every time someone followed me back, I would send them a thank you by direct message, and strike up a conversation with them. Once I hit my Twitter following cap, I went through and un-followed everyone that had failed to follow me back (except for publishers, literary agents, and fellow fantasy writers), and brought my ratio back down far enough to where I could begin letting things slowly accumulate from there.
Thanks for sharing - that's some serious hustling!

Not sure I could bring myself to actually follow someone who calls themselves a social media guru but you never know...
You can when they have 107,000 followers, and you can talk them into giving you a shout-out! Save your integrity for your writing, Steven! This is marketing...

And you dump them later anyway, and maintain a solid following of fellow authors.
Well I don't call myself a social media guru, so you're safe Steven, and followed.... actually, isn't that a crime, called stalking????
Well I don't call myself a social media guru, so you're safe Steven, and followed.... actually, isn't that a crime, called stalking????
Not anymore, apparently. Now it's just called social media. See how long it takes for that to become an actual judicial defense.
Not if I find you first Paul.

Italics also serve to put you in super-villain-voice!

Ha ha, consider yourself hunted, Jason. I got a head start. I saw a Twitter post by Zlatan Ibrahimovic which said "surprise is the key to surprising your enemy". Who would have thought he would be philosopher, too? :)
just logged in - have to run out for a few hours but will follow you all when I get back @damian_north
Hi - I only joined Twitter a couple of weeks ago to enter the comp Katie Ellen told us about but have found it really addictive since joining. I'm @Raydeana. (Rachel Wolfreys@Raydeana). I will find everyone here and follow you!
@eimanmunro is my handle.

My methods are reverse to Jason's. More reactive than proactive in the sense that I always follow back other users. This tactic has allowed me to grow over the course of 2 years rather than 2 weeks :D ..,suits me fine. Reached over a thousand too this way just slow and steady.

Two opposite-end-of-the-spectrum examples you can pick a balance between the two.
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