YEAH, no...

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Nov 29, 2022
Chicago, U.S.
Hello Dear Litopians!

I'm not sure where the best place is within the Colony to post an article that we have authored, so I shall begin here. Do let me know please if there is a more appropriate spot.

This ditty was something that I wrote for my wee presence on Medium, a site and tool that many of you are no doubt aware of. In this case, I leap proudly (albeit with some consternation) upon my most well-worn soapbox. This is my take on something that is beginning to drive me CRAY-CRAY–the obvious decline and meltdown of modern vocal communication. (especially in the U.S.) WOWZA! Please give it a read and let me know what you think, not only of the "writing" but of the subject itself. Have you noticed this happening? Does your voice fry? Is this trend as prevalent in your part of the world? Does it drive you NUTS as it does me? Your thoughts Oh Genius Collective are hereby solicited...

Like Yeah...No! I'm Kinda Scared or Whatever!
(The Decline of Spoken Language in the U.S.)
By Steve Wiest
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