What I like to do

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Oct 25, 2015
Last time I was in Spain, 2 Saturdays ago. Joanne, my wife, Kinsey(11), Yasmin(16) all drove for 15 minutes behind our house, up to the hills, then we walked for 20 minutes until we were on a plateau, overlooking the Medeteranian, south to the Rif mountains in Morroco, east to the Atlantic and west, all the way to Sicily. We pitched our tent -- one of those throw up in 2-minute jobs, set up the BBQ, set up the telescope and had some beer. A couple of dog walkers passed us by, but mostly it was just us having a cool night, 4 hours or so. sun going down, shadows against the pillars of Hercules, beer, and finding the Orion Nebula.
Last time I was in Spain, 2 Saturdays ago. Joanne, my wife, Kinsey(11), Yasmin(16) all drove for 15 minutes behind our house, up to the hills, then we walked for 20 minutes until we were on a plateau, overlooking the Medeteranian, south to the Rif mountains in Morroco, east to the Atlantic and west, all the way to Sicily. We pitched our tent -- one of those throw up in 2-minute jobs, set up the BBQ, set up the telescope and had some beer. A couple of dog walkers passed us by, but mostly it was just us having a cool night, 4 hours or so. sun going down, shadows against the pillars of Hercules, beer, and finding the Orion Nebula.

Grrrrr! Now I´m envious! Sounds lovely!
Ah, lovely! We like a bit of star gazing too. For the past few summers, we go to camping in New Forest around the 12-13th August to see the annual Pleiades meteorite shower.

My son (4) saw them for the first time and my daughter (7) made a tally "to see who saw the most shooting stars and make the most wishes".

I saw 20+ and a very lucky sight of a meteor through my binoculars - it looked like a orange glowing tadpole with a very long, straight white tail. I almost had a heart attack I was so excited!
Yes, it really is a buz, I love the first time children look at Jupiter and see the moon on one side, all stretched out, and then you go back a few days later and they are on the other side of the planet!

It's good to chase the Messier objects, I have only seen about 10 sofar.
Thats basically Gibraltar on one side and Tangiers on the other. I have to drink an awful lot of red wine to imagine him standing astride them.

No prob for old Herc, whatsoever. There is, or was a French woman, with a cafe in the square up in a place called Casares, and it's a great view of them from there, but we've not made the day trip on the boat to Tangier.
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