What are they?

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Nick Faulder

Happy new year one and all!
Before I start to contribute to threads in the coming year, can some kind person please explain what “trophy points” and “likes” are? Twitter and face book terminology, perhaps? Forgive my ignorance, but I do not participate in either. I do twitter on at my wife on occasion, and she often indicates her displeasure by way of a book in my face, but I guess that’s not it – or is it? Please enlighten me before I pick up too many “hates” or miss out on a trophy or two.
Happy New Year. I don't understand the trophy points, myself, but you won't get any hates, and I don't think you can miss out on trophies. They just seem to accrue with postings and comments.
So it’s just like getting old, in the literary sense, but without the hate mail. Can’t be bad. Thanks Katie.
Yes. Seems to be something like that :)
Happy new year.
They are things that seem to show your activity and how along you have been in the colony
You get them for posting, for having people like a comment you put and indicating so by clicking the like link.
They are also awarded for the length of time you have been a member.
You also get one for linking fb and twitter but I cant seem to find a way to link fb
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K J, many thanks. Everything crystal clear, except the last line, but as it involves twitter and face book I'm not that worried. I lump the aforementioned into the category of all things beyond my limited comprehension. This includes: weather bombs - boots on the ground & text speak, to name a few. Who makes up this stuff? There's a thread there I reckon. ;)
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