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Weird suckiness in the ether

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Capo Famiglia
Full Member
May 19, 2014
London UK
Katie-Ellen commented on my (mangled glasses) status: "There is a general weird suckiness in the ether..."

Isn't there just? I've really felt it recently. People being more easily riled than usual. Tempers fraying. Saw two bus drivers having a fight in Oxford St the other day. General snottiness everywhere.

What's going on, people?
One antidote to snottiness is to give kindness to others maybe even encouragement in the context of writers. Some crinkle their nose at such a thought - part of the snotty brigade perhaps.
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And it continueth...not that there is ever truly peace on earth. Always something ghastly going down somewhere, and yet there has been this MOOD. Some might say, it's not only geo-political but astrological territory, some interesting comment out there, and also perhaps we're more telepathic, hive-minded than may feel natural to contemplate. And on the face of it, ridiculous of course, but as is now known astronomically, it's also, to an unknown degree, the movements of planetary bodies, not only solar behaviour, that drive Earth's polarity swaps, while Jupiter really DOES literally, hurl 'thunderbolts'....
How could the ancients possibly have known that....

Could try blaming it on the Sun reversing its magnetic fields in 2013/14 plus some other aggravating stuff...'Uranus-Pluto' stuff. Aye, 'we're' doomed,....but not soon, no more than any other living thing, those folk can put their placards away, and I reckon space wouldn't suit us one bit... :)
dont panic.jpg
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Full moon on Feb 10th; all sorts of strange things are supposed to happen esp to people's moods. Feeling hairier?
Speaking as the union representative for the Cornish Order of Werewolves (COW), I'd just like to say that the age-old legend that we go mad on full moons is completely unfounded...I'm mad all of the time! My computer keyboard is blocked with hair for some reason, and that makes me very, very cross indeed....

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Katie-Ellen commented on my (mangled glasses) status: "There is a general weird suckiness in the ether..."

Isn't there just? I've really felt it recently. People being more easily riled than usual. Tempers fraying. Saw two bus drivers having a fight in Oxford St the other day. General snottiness everywhere.

What's going on, people?

I think that the air of doom and gloom has much to do with the prospect of four years rule in America by a man who's already the most unpopular President ever elected. I know that we try to avoid politics on the Colony but as an old expression goes, 'If you don't pay attention to politicians they'll start paying attention to you.'

The USA has a leader who doesn't read books: he dismisses writers, and it won't be long before he sees us as the enemy. Despots always attack the intelligentsia, so watch out! I've certainly been worriedly contemplating what will happen to the world.

I could say that Brexit is depressing too, and ultimately it will have tragic consequences for the poorest regions of the UK. In the meantime, sticky red tape will slow things down as bureaucrats debate how to withdraw from the EU...and you can bet money that they won't hurry that process, for many are protecting their own jobs.
One antidote to snottiness is to give kindness to others maybe even encouragement in the context of writers. Some crinkle their nose at such a thought - part of the snotty brigade perhaps.

Totally agree. And I do try to.
But it's bleedin' hard when the other person is hell bent on smacking you down. And calling you a liar. Looking at you, Boots the Opticians. Actually, more like squinting...
I've certainly been worriedly contemplating what will happen to the world.

Me too.

And yes, of course any discussion of things political has a tendency to go Reductio ad Hitlerum these days, especially on the net. God forbid that should happen here – please, no.

I tend to be quite optimistic – I have faith in ordinary people, but not in politicians. My own take is that current events are energising folk. They’re expressing views, having discussions, getting involved (hard though it is). That’s got to be a good thing.

And just as an observer, what’s happening inside US politics now is fascinating. Game of Thrones stuff.

For me, the big issue on the horizon is not China but Iran. It’s clearly in the cross-hairs. I could foresee utterly enormous public protests in Europe if the US were to invade, Iraq-style. It could topple governments. Couldn’t see the UK lending support for that very reason.

But hey, I was one of 2m people who paraded thru London to try and stop Iraq. They didn’t listen then, who says it’ll be different next time...
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And calling you a liar. Looking at you, Boots the Opticians.

How vair dare they. Kindness is for people who merit it, and respect for those who deliver what they say they will, setting out their stall. Spent most of January getting in the hair of BT while feeling like tearing out my own, trying to help my parents after they lost their landline, and with it of course, their broadband. All sorted now, hardly Aleppo, except they both got ill and they live in a rural location. Weirdly disorientating however, and to an increasingly grotesque degree - quite Kafkaesque, practically inviting the use of TIWAZ.
Speaking as the union representative for the Cornish Order of Werewolves (COW), I'd just like to say that the age-old legend that we go mad on full moons is completely unfounded...I'm mad all of the time! My computer keyboard is blocked with hair for some reason, and that makes me very, very cross indeed....


I can only think of one thing....furballs. That's all I got. I have no idea what you said. I'll have a peek.
I think that the air of doom and gloom has much to do with the prospect of four years rule in America by a man who's already the most unpopular President ever elected. I know that we try to avoid politics on the Colony but as an old expression goes, 'If you don't pay attention to politicians they'll start paying attention to you.'

The USA has a leader who doesn't read books: he dismisses writers, and it won't be long before he sees us as the enemy. Despots always attack the intelligentsia, so watch out! I've certainly been worriedly contemplating what will happen to the world.

I could say that Brexit is depressing too, and ultimately it will have tragic consequences for the poorest regions of the UK. In the meantime, sticky red tape will slow things down as bureaucrats debate how to withdraw from the EU...and you can bet money that they won't hurry that process, for many are protecting their own jobs.

I know what you mean. In my experience, I've had quite the opposite reactions. Positive, kind encounters on a daily basis - from smiles by passersby, to seat-giving by gentle folk and so many other numerous encounters. It might have something to do with me choosing to see the nice things more so than the negative things not sure. But I'm really enjoying this new 'reality'. As soon as I let a negative feeling bite then I do find something to complain about. That's just my outlook. Disclaimer: I do live a very sheltered life too :D
There is certainly something strange going on and what makes it more ominous is that several friends of mine from what was Yugoslavia have commented to me, independent of each other, that the UK of 2017 has a similar feel about it to what existed in Yugoslavia in the late 80's/early 90's.

Now I appreciate we do not discuss politics on here, and with good reason, but to put my cards on the table I am the sort of voter that seems to getting slated by many at the moment as I voted for us to leave the EU and would have, if I had been a US citizen, voted for Trump as well but I am having to take a step back because I am beginning to really fear about the divisions that now exist in our society. Now I would vote leave tomorrow and the day after so this is not about a change of heart in terms of the policies (and ditto with Trump) but as a society we seem to be fragmenting in a way that is beginning to scare me.

I saw first hand what a full on civil war looks like in Yugoslavia and it is not pretty.

But neither side seems willing to show any accommodation to the other or attempt at understanding.

Strange times.
Ii's easy to understand why people are so depressed at the American election result. The whole world is shocked. I can't recall such a lack of celebration, with nothing good being said about the new leader, his cabinet and his family. I have a good friend, who lives in Wyoming, and she's planning to return to the UK as soon as possible, solely because of what's happened. This will mean abandoning her education, but it could be that she soon won't have any books to read—the new Pres will burn them all—probably in the middle of a national park like Yellowstone!

I've said this before, I think, but it proves that dumbing down has worked. Uneducated people are easily conned, unable to focus on anything but the one thing a candidate has said that they agree with.

Trump and his supporters are proof of the Dunning-Kruger effect. People are so stupid that they don't know they're stupid, and in Trump's case, as he's a psychopath and narcissist he's even more convinced that he's right.

Idiocracy now: Donald Trump and the Dunning-Kruger effect — when stupid people don’t know they are stupid

I predict race riots, such as haven't been seen for 40-50 years. One of the most appalling things about the whole democratic process, right from the early selection of candidates, is that no one has to pass an intelligence test, or show any knowledge or experience of the job that they're being chosen for.

That puts leadership at a level with road-sweeper!
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Dumbing-down has definitely worked. Another way of viewing this is to see it as juvenilization, something Susan Greenfield had words about in our podcast.

I’m hoping that, pretty soon, the people who have been conned into narcissistic catalepsy will awake, and see just how much they’ve been duped (and how much of their lives have been stolen...)
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Yes. Nothing about the news in the US is heartening...except that there is huge backlash to what the Rotten Orange is trying to do. If we (meaning the collective body of thinking humanity) can use his tyranny as a rallying point for rational thought and compassion, then we'll make it through this in a stronger position than before. If not...well...it will be great fuel for literature...if anyone can still read.

Sorry...my mood is especially dark today, what with the smoke pall and the fact my kids' route home from school could very well be cut off by fire by mid-afternoon...trying to remain focused on the writing tasks at hand, while still keeping an ear on civil defence announcements. Just another day in the natural disaster capital of New Zealand...

But neither side seems willing to show any accommodation to the other or attempt at understanding.


And that is the real problem. Most people, apart from a few nasties, want the same things: freedom, prosperity, security, health, quality of life, etc. The differences between them are in how to achieve those things. If the two sides stopped shouting and abusing each other, they might find that both sides have legitimate needs and concerns, and that a reasonable dialogue is possible.
And that is the real problem. Most people, apart from a few nasties, want the same things: freedom, prosperity, security, health, quality of life, etc. The differences between them are in how to achieve those things. If the two sides stopped shouting and abusing each other, they might find that both sides have legitimate needs and concerns, and that a reasonable dialogue is possible.

*sigh* I'd be happy if even the members of my own family understood that we can have civil dialogue...What most bothers me is the feeling that the focus has become putting down people who hold different viewpoints. I have lived with family with whom I don't see eye-to-eye with for 46 years, and until last year we were able to find common ground, agree to disagree. Now, the dialogue seems to centre on calling me (and anyone who doesn't support Trump wholeheartedly, without a trace of concern) nasty names. It feels like sowing the seeds for civil war. How can that end well for anyone?
Personally I disagree with this notion of 'dumbing down' as being somehow responsible for a whole host of supposed ills. I would argue the opposite in that people now have wider access to all sorts of information and news and therefore are far more capable of making their own minds up on a whole host of subjects without the need to refer to supposed 'experts'. We just have to see the entire project fear approach from the Remain side in the EU referendum campaign and how that proved to be an utter farce, bordering on a fraud, for proof of that.

I am more than happy to admit to being a contrary bastard who has an almost ludicrous aversion to being lectured to by a whole host of my supposed 'betters' (and accept all and any admonishment concerning various/numerous chips on my shoulders ) but I would also argue that this constant and never ending refrain that somehow those who voted against what the mainstream liberal intelligentsia tell us is for our own good are morons merely adds to the tensions and certainly does nothing to make people like me fall into line.
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*US citizen flounces in... reads thread... agrees the world is in a weird, disgruntled state... apologizes for (almost) half her country's population voting for the orange monster (but reminds you that *she* did not vote for him!)... posts meme about books and picture of hearts for all her fellow Litopians... flounces out again with a smile on her face because she's glad she has this place to come to when things get scary. :)

books too much reality.jpg hearts falling.jpg
Me too.

And yes, of course any discussion of things political has a tendency to go Reductio ad Hitlerum these days, especially on the net. God forbid that should happen here – please, no.

I tend to be quite optimistic – I have faith in ordinary people, but not in politicians. My own take is that current events are energising folk. They’re expressing views, having discussions, getting involved (hard though it is). That’s got to be a good thing.

And just as an observer, what’s happening inside US politics now is fascinating. Game of Thrones stuff.

For me, the big issue on the horizon is not China but Iran. It’s clearly in the cross-hairs. I could foresee utterly enormous public protests in Europe if the US were to invade, Iraq-style. It could topple governments. Couldn’t see the UK lending support for that very reason.

But hey, I was one of 2m people who paraded thru London to try and stop Iraq. They didn’t listen then, who says it’ll be different next time...

Whilst I agree that there may be a template Iraq-style view point by some with respect to Iran, it would be strategic folly for any government to attempt an invasion of Iran the same way as Iraq. Iran's people are different to the Iraq as a populous. It doesn't matter what idealogy Iranians choose to follow, they are a proud people to the point of martyrdom. This isn't the case with Iraq and many arab nations unless they follow die hard idealogies.

Not to mention Iran is a vast area compared to Iraq and have learnt to deal with sanctions better than Iraq.

I am bias as I look at the joke of a parliament the Iraqis have in place, most of them are London based Iraqis. Heck the current Prime Minister of Iraq used to look after us as kids with his lovely wife. I only know him by the term 'uncle'. As nice as they are they are not political material. And shows how lacking in experience the parliament has in politics. To use this template with Iran won't work, there might be only one letter that differenciates Iran from Iraq but the chasm of differences are too enumerate to list.
Personally I disagree with this notion of 'dumbing down' as being somehow responsible for a whole host of supposed ills. I would argue the opposite in that people now have wider access to all sorts of information and news and therefore are far more capable of making their own minds up on a whole host of subjects without the need to refer to supposed 'experts'. We just have to see the entire project fear approach from the Remain side in the EU referendum campaign and how that proved to be an utter farce, bordering on a fraud, for proof of that.

I am more than happy to admit to being a contrary bastard who has an almost ludicrous aversion to being lectured to by a whole host of my supposed 'betters' (and accept all and any admonishment concerning various/numerous chips on my shoulders ) but I would also argue that this constant and never ending refrain that somehow those who voted against what the mainstream liberal intelligentsia tell us is for our own good are morons merely adds to the tensions and certainly does nothing to make people like me fall into line.

Passions have run high. That's as it should be, given the stakes and the questions at the core. But how dare anyone presume to dress down another person for their difference at the ballot box? It's been a shocker and contrary bastards are good news in my book.
Em, yes indeed, vast strategic folly. An Iranian acquaintance some years ago said to me, never forget we're the people who invented chess... Well worth remembering, I think.

And how interesting about the Iraqi pm! Interesting childhood. You should write about it.

My best guess is there's a battle going on now at the heart of the new US administration about this. Hope sanity prevails.
Excellent thread. I'm beginning to blame it all on the huge increase in Pharma ads on television which speak directly to those of us aging Boomers. Misery and Death is brought to our attention daily, often before breakfast; and on top of that, we have the recent ascension of the Dark Star and it's mindless minions subservient to the Orange Overlord. No... these are not hopeful times.
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