Warm Fuzzies

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Amber Zade

Someone from RWA asked to see my manuscript. I sent her a few chapters. She gave a lot of great suggestions. But best of all ... she understood where I was going with the story. I can't think of a better feeling. She didn't say 'this is the best thing ever' but.... she got it.... and isn't that even better than someone raving?

Maybe I'll have to compare the feeling to a rave - when I get one.

LOL Oh... I did get a rave once. I printed it out and its on my office wall. It's from a college creative writing instructor. I assumed she was being fascetious for several reasons - 1, I sent her my first draft. 2, It only took me an hour or so to write.

I've often wondered about the difference between how professors and people who read for pleasure react to a piece of writing. My theory is that instructors have so much ... um ... bad writing ... mediocre writing ... careless writing to slog through ...that they get excited when they stumble on something halfway readable.
Nice feeling. Well done.

I'm going through strange process with my MS..currenty Even i don't get how to piece some of it for others to 'get'.:confused:
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