Fanfare! Updated Website!!

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I'm so glad you like it. After I have done the other things I'm working on I will alter it for you and send you winter, autumn and summer themed colours... For. .. well just incase you feel seasonal ;)
Hey all, our very own Karen Gray/Grayside Creative Design designed a beautiful new banner for my website!! I've played with the colors on the site, and here is the updated landing page with Karen's banner!

Thank you so much, Karen! I just love it :D
Now, on page one you have a heading "Adult Excert" did you mean Excerpt?
In About me, you have "worked at writer for . . . did you mean worked as?
Now, on page one you have a heading "Adult Excert" did you mean Excerpt?
In About me, you have "worked at writer for . . . did you mean worked as?
????? Sorry but I'm not seeing what you mean. It's spelled "excerpt" and my About Me profile goes straight to my Google+ profile which says "I'm a Siren exclusive author writing erotic contemporary and paranomal romance. All my books are listed at" Are you talking about the section in my Google+ profile titled "Work" where it says "Exclusive Author for Siren-Bookstrand"? Confused. I wonder if you're seeing a previous version? Although I've had my Google+ account for some time now…
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Okay. Now I know what you mean. :) Google+ puts that wording in - "works at" - the same way Facebook does for profiles under their employment section. I can't change their template wording. All I can do is put where I "work" although writers don't technically work for publishers. We're independent contractors. But the template only allows so much leeway so I'm stuck with that for now unless I delete what I do, which would make no sense for me. I played around with it for quite a while when I first set up the profile and I can't find a way around it. But thanks for asking. :)
Okay. Now I know what you mean. :) Google+ puts that wording in - "works at" - the same way Facebook does for profiles under their employment section. I can't change their template wording. All I can do is put where I "work" although writers don't technically work for publishers. We're independent contractors. But the template only allows so much leeway so I'm stuck with that for now unless I delete what I do, which would make no sense for me. I played around with it for quite a while when I first set up the profile and I can't find a way around it. But thanks for asking. :)
What I did was click on the URL in your original message. Today when I repeated that the word is now excerpt, so go figure.
Maybe all this is a sign that the WWW is starting to disintegrate; the harbinger of a WW apocalypse. :(
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