Twitter Event: #PitDark for horror and dark fiction

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Lex Black

Full Member
Aug 6, 2014
Hey, everyone!

I'm usually not the one to stumble across these and I didn't learn about it with much time to spare, so sorry about that.

Anyway, this!

As of this post it's been live for just under an hour and lasts until 8 PM EST today. Check it out if you get the chance!

Oh, and this is evidently biannual, so if you miss it this time there will be another shot. Good luck!
Can't believe I forgot. Losing my marbles. It was a foggy day fit for Dracula, a real pea-souper, but such a lovely day, reception in my parent's house, and afterwards we drove up to Berwick on Tweed. In the fog. But next day was lovely, went touring and walked up the gorgeous Eildon Hills, famous for the legend of Thomas the Rhymer. 'True Thomas.'

Not my blog but this gives you the idea Strange places in the Scottish Borders 4: Thomas the Rhymer’s Eildon Hills | Blood and Porridge
:) Sorry about this Lex. Woke up, fell asleep again, woke with a start to find a little nurse standing there, wanting bloods, and Il Matrimonio with a baby mini orchid in a pot. I forgot the nurse was coming too...
3 articles on the go. I am blaming it on writing because why not.

Speaking of which, I do like your George, Lex.
Oh, happy anniversary, Katie-Ellen! Hope you're feeling better!

Speaking of which, I do like your George, Lex.

Oh! :cool: Thank you! Remind me what you've read with him? Just the first few hundred words of "Unspoken", right? You know, he's the only really good idea/concept I think I've ever had, and I still wonder if he isn't just off-putting enough that he's part of why no editor will give me the time of day. Glad someone likes him.

Enough about me. Did anyone have any luck with this event?
I'm OK, just got up, thank you for kindly asking. 3 in the afternoon. Nice cup of tea :) Now and then it gets a bit tiring doesn't it; chronic pain, no days off. I know you know what I mean.

George. I don't do flannel. I AM quick to decide. George was the 'thing' that most interested me right away. I thought he'd got 'something' and it came straight off the page at me.

I sat out the event yesterday.
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