Help Please! To do or not to do...

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Fellow Writers,
Well it was about a month ago since I submitted some work to Agent Pete. My prose as you can see from my latest opening in the writers room has been simplified so has the rest of my manuscript to 'A SHARD OF ICE' but I've still kept some poetic beauty in my words as you all know I love writing poetry. From writing poems from such a young age to put in my relatives Christmas cards, to short stories then now years later novels.
I'm in two minds to resubmit or not...
As Pete mentioned last night Submissions are open again and will close soon.
What do my fellow writers think? Shall I submit now?
I'm currently keeping myself occupied with designing some book covers with my friend. I have PM'd Pete regarding this matter but I respect he is very busy.
Kind Regards,
Alix :)
PS - I will share some book cover ideas on here. I don't know quite how yet lol But I did promise B. Also after speaking to a few friends of mine. I'm considering taking on commissions and co-projects in the near future. And I had a lovely meal with my beautiful mum last night and I had the most divine passionfruit martini last night well two actually :p
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Hi Alix,

Yesterday I heard him suggest people wait at least six months before re-submitting something he has seen before and which has been reworked. I was under the impression he said this because he wanted it to feel completely fresh.

I can't tell you whether to resubmit or not but I'd suggest waiting a few more months.
I'll get it out to other agents today and see what happens.

Then maybe, I will resubmit to Pete.
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How about you leave it to fester for 6 months? For yourself, I mean. Don't look at it during that time. Not even a peek. Come August, you have another read through and if you feel it needs adjusting, then adjust, if not re-submit. There's no hurry. You have plenty of time. I find that some time away from the MS, often gives fresh eyes.

The martinis sound good. Glad you had a good time with your mum.
@Barbara I will have a cover idea for you soon and yeah he is, thats why I asked for his opinion and I really want him to represent me but my works gotta be good enough :)
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