Time Slip POVs


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Rachel Caldecott

Full Member
Nov 13, 2017
Lodeve, France
Those of you who have heard about my time-slip novel Ink Slip (you guys came up with the title), will know that I've used my 5 x g grandmother's diary as a basis for the historical part.

My question is about POV.
1. Should both modern and historical parts be written in 3rd person?
2. Or both in 1st person?
3. Or one of each? (For example, given that the historical bits are from a diary, would that work better in 1st person POV?), and the rest in 3rd.
I really can't tell. I have flip-flopped between all of them... hence the question to you wise ones.

I read somewhere that 1st person POV is tricky because you know the MC is telling the story, so he/she must have survived to tell it (that kind of spoils it). This means that I'm leaning towards option 3. But I'd like to check with you.
I think 1st person POV works best in present tense unless, in the past tense, the survival of the character wasn't part of the stakes. For me, danger to life doesn't work in first person POV past tense for the reason you stated. Theoretically, 1st person present tense could still get killed off.
If the present day person is reading the diary, then 1st person for the diarist will work. If the diary actually takes the present day person into the past, it might be better to use 3rd person for the diarist.
The modern day person: is her journey going to encounter danger to life? Is the narration in present or past tense? If past and danger to life, I'd go with 3rd person POV.

I don't know if this helps or if I've confused you further. :confused:
I read this twice, but I think I got it. 3 person for the modern action, and 1st person for the diarist, because the modern girl is transported into the diary/ the past. That would work and make a clear boundary between the times too.

Thank you. Hey, will you be around at home in May. I'm coming to Carlisle for 3 weeks, flying in and out of Edinburgh, I'd love to meet up.
I read this twice, but I think I got it. 3 person for the modern action, and 1st person for the diarist, because the modern girl is transported into the diary/ the past. That would work and make a clear boundary between the times too.

Thank you. Hey, will you be around at home in May. I'm coming to Carlisle for 3 weeks, flying in and out of Edinburgh, I'd love to meet up.
Yep. Apart from the last weekend, I'm definitely around in May. Would be great to meet. :D
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