This Saturday’s Huddle

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Capo Famiglia
Full Member
May 19, 2014
London UK
It seems appropriate as the year commences to speculate a bit about the future.

I’m keen to try to understand the lasting impact of e-reading. While there’s market data galore out there, data will only take you so far – and in any case, measures what has been, not what will be.

So please come along with a few thoughts / solipsisms / predictions about this… and let’s spend a few minutes comparing notes :)
I recently bought an e- book on Kindle Amazon, can't access it. This is the first time this has happened. I can see it, but not open it, sent round in circles. I can read other books on there, downloaded previously, but not this one via the cloud. Not impressed.

I don't read e books much. I may buy a book for reference or research, or if I like it enough, proceed to buy hard copy.
I recently bought an e- book on Kindle Amazon, can't access it. This is the first time this has happened. I can see it, but not open it, sent round in circles. I can read other books on there, downloaded previously, but not this one via the cloud. Not impressed.

I don't read e books much. I may buy a book for reference or research, or if I like it enough, proceed to buy hard copy.

Try again tomorrow. I've had a day or two wait until the book appears. I don't know why it is, e-books are normally instantaneous. Have you turned your device off (hard off) and back on again?
I recently bought an e- book on Kindle Amazon, can't access it. This is the first time this has happened. I can see it, but not open it, sent round in circles. I can read other books on there, downloaded previously, but not this one via the cloud. Not impressed.

I don't read e books much. I may buy a book for reference or research, or if I like it enough, proceed to buy hard copy.
I'm the same re reference/research. Or something small - a short story or short novella - because I can then print it out before reading it. I spend enough time on the screen. I like to relax with a printed copy.
I recently bought an e- book on Kindle Amazon, can't access it. This is the first time this has happened. I can see it, but not open it, sent round in circles. I can read other books on there, downloaded previously, but not this one via the cloud. Not impressed.
… and if Amazon, or the local regime wherever you happen to live, decides one day that the book you bought no longer abides by their “community standards” (great Orwellian euphemism) then… it will simply disappear from your Kindle… as if by magic... :)
… and if Amazon, or the local regime wherever you happen to live, decides one day that the book you bought no longer abides by their “community standards” (great Orwellian euphemism) then… it will simply disappear from your Kindle… as if by magic... :)

Yikes! I have so many on my kindle, I'd never notice that :( I'm going to start tracking my numbers...
Try again tomorrow. I've had a day or two wait until the book appears. I don't know why it is, e-books are normally instantaneous. Have you turned your device off (hard off) and back on again?

… and if Amazon, or the local regime wherever you happen to live, decides one day that the book you bought no longer abides by their “community standards” (great Orwellian euphemism) then… it will simply disappear from your Kindle… as if by magic... :)

....without accountability, and presumably without a refund? mother much mistrusts the world of The ELECTRON. Faustian pacts.

Amazon and Alibaba. Stock investors: 'why I am not touching Alibaba in 2022'

Yes, @RK Capps :) Straightforward before. Other books still on there, it says that this particular title not available to open in Cloud Kindle, and other download routes not working for some reason. It mentions file size, that it may take longer to download.

Had an IT meltdown in November. Lenovo, original drive packed up. Had a new drive installed and that was good really, it needed upgrading anyway and I like it and wanted to keep it, not buy new. But a bit of a nuisance.

I read fiction last thing, sitting up in bed. Have not yet bought an ebook to read purely for leisure/pleasure. Always with a research hat on, one way and another.
On the other hand....old dogs sometimes need to learn new tricks, or else stay hungry.

Isn't it good that there are digital first publishing companies, open to novel submissions from new novelists?

Right now, for instance Bookouture - who have published some very well respected author friends of Litopia.
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Not quite on topic, but...saw this and thought it might be of interest to The Huddle.
The Bookseller

Literary agents are predicting “joy” will be a dominant theme among submissions in 2022 with cosy crime continuing, renewed fervour for historical fiction and vampires, plus further exploration of the Substack model. Find out more here: (£)

(Oh for the joy of a vampire? Is it a vegetarian?)
Human pest control is what the fairies get up to in my novel, by way of bringing sunshine back to Ireland -if only for one glorious summer. One reason I have so many books, VHS tapes and DVD's is because since childhood I've felt there was a dark ages coming. It seemed ridiculous when I was 10... All it takes now is some solar flashes.
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